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发布时间:2018-10-14 20:28
[Abstract]:China's accelerating urbanization, industrialization and modernization have promoted the improvement of the economic level and living conditions of the residents, but while grasping and doing a good job in urban construction, we must not ignore and forget the problems of rural construction and the quality of life of the peasants. In particular, the rural society has undergone earth-shaking progress and changes. The social security mechanism of Chinese residents clearly indicates that rural social old-age insurance is an important part of national social security. Although Jilin Province is an old industrial base in Northeast China, the core of solving the "three rural" problems is, First of all, we should consider how to protect the interests of the old-age insurance of the peasants left behind to get enough satisfaction and not to be affected and infringed by the external environment. In the past, the rural areas relied on the traditional family-type old-age support, but with the improvement of the economic level, the aging of the rural left-behind peasants accelerated, and the function of the family and land old-age security became weaker. Jilin Province has also begun to implement the coverage of the social old-age insurance system in rural areas, but there will be many problems in the process of implementation, including the lack of a long-term and stable system such as laws and regulations. Inflation leads to the depreciation of the deposit funds, the absence of the government security system, the lack of the income sources of the peasants left behind, and a series of problems of accelerating the aging of the population. In view of the problems existing in the old-age insurance of the left-behind peasants in Jilin Province, this paper puts forward some personal countermeasures and suggestions to improve the formulation of relevant laws and regulations, strengthen government management, improve the level of rural old-age insurance, and strengthen the overall planning of the government. To reduce the expenditure and living cost of old-age insurance, to develop diversified and multi-channel funds as a whole, to strengthen the development of rural financial markets, to enhance the potential of capital appreciation, and to establish a more scientific and effective rural old-age insurance model. In order to solve the problem of old-age insurance in Jilin province, it is hoped that the income of pension fund can be realized through land circulation.


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