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发布时间:2018-10-15 14:15
【摘要】:保险是一种经济补偿制度,对市场经济的成长与发展具有不可替代的保障作用。随着改革开放的进一步深入,我国经济发展已经从追求数量的增长,跃迁到追求质量的提升的新阶段。经济社会发展的深度转型调整,推动着保险需求发生结构性变化,保险业正朝着“与中国经济社会发展水平和人民群众生产生活需求相适应”的方向转型发展,以客户为中心正成为行业发展的趋势。人保财险哈分公司作为地方保险行业的龙头企业,审时度势将公司发展战略目标调整为“坚持效益第一、对标市场不动摇,加快以客户为中心全面转型”。销售人员作为公司与客户的纽带,承载着公司对客户的承诺与服务,是公司业务发展的引擎,是转型发展期重点关注和激励对象。因此,做好销售人员的薪酬激励工作,对公司战略目标的实现具有重要意义。 本文以实现人保财险哈分公司未来五年战略目标为目的,根据有关薪酬理论和薪酬模式设计的相关文献和研究成果,,运用定性分析法确定了公司“客户价值差异化、销售人员专业化、组织体系规范化、激励约束长效化、人工成本明晰化”的薪酬战略目标。根据销售人员的工作状况和性质的不同,将其分为团险客户经理、中介维护专员、个险客户经理三类分别进行设计。依据客户导向、有效激励、相对统一、差异配置、依法合规的原则,通过调查、分析提出了薪酬结构应由基础薪酬、业绩薪酬、行为薪酬、能力薪酬、特质薪酬和福利六个模块组成的观点;并运用层次分析法对各薪酬模块在总体薪酬中所占权重进行确认,进而形成基于战略导向的各类销售人员薪酬模式,并对每一模式的薪酬表达式加以解释和说明。通过综合访谈、专家调查和定性分析等方法,得出各薪酬模式具有战略导向功能的评价结论,并为更好地运用该模式提出了实施保障措施。
[Abstract]:Insurance is an economic compensation system, which plays an irreplaceable role in the growth and development of market economy. With the deepening of reform and opening up, China's economic development has moved from the pursuit of quantitative growth to the pursuit of a new stage of quality improvement. The deep transformation and adjustment of economic and social development promote structural changes in insurance demand, and the insurance industry is undergoing a transformation and development in the direction of "adapting to the level of economic and social development in China and the production and living needs of the people." Customer-centered is becoming the trend of industry development. As the leading enterprise of local insurance industry, PICC & ha Branch adjusts the development strategy target of the company to "insist on benefit first, not waver to the standard market, and speed up the comprehensive transformation with customer as the center". As the bond between the company and the customer, the salesperson carries the promise and service of the company to the customer, is the engine of the business development of the company, and is the key concern and incentive object in the period of transition and development. Therefore, it is of great significance to achieve the strategic goal of the company to do well the salary incentive work of the sales personnel. In order to realize the strategic goal of PICC in the next five years, according to the relevant literature and research results of compensation theory and compensation model design, this paper uses qualitative analysis method to determine the customer value difference of the company. Sales personnel specialization, organizational system standardization, incentive and restraint long-term, labor cost clarity "salary strategy goal." According to the working status and nature of the sales personnel, it can be divided into three categories: group insurance account manager, intermediary maintenance specialist and individual risk account manager. According to the principles of customer orientation, effective incentive, relative unity, differential allocation and compliance according to law, this paper analyzes and puts forward that the salary structure should be composed of basic salary, performance salary, behavior salary, ability salary, etc. The viewpoint of the six modules of trait compensation and welfare, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to confirm the weight of each compensation module in the total salary, and then form the compensation model of all kinds of salespeople based on strategic direction. The compensation expressions of each model are explained and explained. By means of comprehensive interview, expert investigation and qualitative analysis, this paper draws the conclusion that each salary model has the function of strategic guidance, and puts forward some measures to ensure the better use of the model.


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