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发布时间:2018-10-15 15:01
【摘要】:对于天津国寿来说,渠道化经营已有5年多的时间,凭借企业自身政治地位优势和经济实力优势,公司整体业绩始终保持行业领先,但随着平安人寿的一军突起,,在健康人海、规模效益的营销策略指引下,天津国寿个人代理渠道在天津地区的优势地位已被动摇。本文皆在通过对企业营销策略方面的理论研究借鉴,运用营销学上的知识并结合所在单位的具体情况,研究制定企业今后在分红险营销策略的调整方案,使公司能够在个人代理渠道业务拓展取得突破,扩大市场份额,为今后分红型寿险产品的营销提供有益借鉴。 在理论研究上,保险营销策略的创新应当从保险营销观念的转变着手。在寿险市场进入由买方决定的消费主义时代,消费者个性化、人文化、多样化特征日益突出,营销策略也应根据寿险产品的特性适时地调整,围绕客户群体利益开展营销的7P组合,使营销活动以客户为中心,更贴近“满足顾客需求”这个营销学的本质性内涵。 本文全面分析天津国寿个人代理渠道分红险营销的发展现状、存在的不足和具备的优点,并对企业的外部环境和内部条件运用SWOT进行分析。在此基础上,对比平安人寿的成功经验,总结得出分红险的营销策略应“以顾客为中心”是未来寿险公司营销发展的一种必然选择,对企业营销策略的改进措施提出了具体的建议。
[Abstract]:For Tianjin Guoshou, it has been more than five years since its channelized operation. With the advantage of its own political status and economic strength, the company's overall performance has always maintained the leading position in the industry. However, with the emergence of Ping an Life, the company is in a healthy crowd. Under the guidance of scale-efficient marketing strategy, the dominant position of Tianjin Guoshou personal agency channel in Tianjin has been shaken. In this paper, through the theoretical research on the marketing strategy of enterprises, using the knowledge of marketing and combining the specific situation of the units, this paper studies and formulates the adjustment plan of the marketing strategy of enterprises in the future. So that the company can make a breakthrough in the personal agency channel business expansion, expand market share, for the future dividend life insurance products marketing to provide useful reference. In theory research, the innovation of insurance marketing strategy should start from the change of insurance marketing concept. In the life insurance market entering the consumerism era decided by the buyer, the individuation, human culture and diversity of the consumers are increasingly prominent, and the marketing strategy should be adjusted according to the characteristics of the life insurance products. The 7P combination of marketing around the interests of the customer group makes the marketing activities customer-centered and closer to the essential connotation of the marketing theory of "meeting the customer's needs". This paper comprehensively analyzes the development status, shortcomings and advantages of Tianjin Guoshou personal agency channel dividend insurance marketing, and analyzes the external environment and internal conditions of the enterprise using SWOT. On this basis, comparing the successful experience of Ping an Life Insurance, it is concluded that the marketing strategy of dividend insurance should be "customer-centered" is an inevitable choice for the future life insurance company's marketing development. Some concrete suggestions are put forward to improve the marketing strategy of enterprises.


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