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发布时间:2018-10-16 18:19
[Abstract]:Industrial injury insurance is an important part of social security system. As an insurance system to protect the occupational safety of workers, it plays a great role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and employers. The industrial injury insurance presents a trinity of "industrial injury prevention-industrial injury rehabilitation-industrial injury compensation", which protects the workers' rights and interests from the aspects of "before-during-after-accident". In practice, employers and workers often ignore industrial injury prevention and neglect industrial injury rehabilitation, but attach great importance to industrial injury compensation, so the appraisal of labor ability involving the core elements of industrial injury compensation attracts thousands of eyes. The appraisal of the ability to work at work is the prerequisite for the workers to enjoy the treatment of industrial injury insurance, and the level of the conclusion of the appraisal directly relates to the amount of compensation for the injury. Therefore, the present situation and existing problems of the appraisal of the ability to work at work are studied, and the causes of the problems are analyzed. It is a real demand to find out the method of improving labor ability appraisal. The appraisal system of labor ability of our country comes into being with the formation of laws and regulations related to social insurance, which started relatively late, but has experienced the test of practice, and is gradually moving towards maturity. Based on the research of domestic and foreign industrial injury insurance policies and the present situation of the appraisal of industrial injury ability in Changzhou area, this paper sums up the existing problems in the level of appraisal system, appraisal system and appraisal standard. Taking 16000 cases of work-related injury ability appraisal in Changzhou area from 2015 to 2016 as the research object, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the appraisal of industrial injury ability in Changzhou area from many aspects, such as accident type, subject category, grade distribution, re-appraisal and so on. The problems and puzzles existing in the practical operation of industrial injury ability appraisal are summarized, such as the absence of appraisal system, the singleness of appraisal means, the nonstandard appraisal process, the blank of appraisal standard, etc. At the same time, some experts of labor ability appraisal are interviewed to analyze the shortcomings and difficulties from the expert's point of view. In view of these problems and shortcomings, the article finally puts forward that we should improve the ability of industrial injury appraisal from three aspects: perfecting the work injury system, perfecting the appraisal system and perfecting the appraisal standard. Through strengthening the insurance structure of "trinity" to perfect the work injury system, to establish the reference system of "the period of injury stability", to design scientific appraisal rules, to optimize the field management system, and to strengthen the management of experts to perfect the appraisal system. Therefore, it is more accurate and objective to make the conclusion of appraisal of labor ability, and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and employers.


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