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发布时间:2018-10-17 09:06
【摘要】:广西壮族自治区地处中国的西南部,地理环境十分复杂,地跨北热带、南亚热带以及中亚热带,气候类型复杂多变,自然生态环境优越,物种资源相当丰富。同时,广西常因季风进退失常影响,频繁出现灾害性天气,给当地的农业生产造成很大损失。农业保险作为一种风险转移和应对机制,充分发挥着分散农业风险、补偿经济损失、提高农业生产能力、增加农民收入等方面的重要作用。因此,探讨广西壮族自治区政策性农业保险可持续发展问题,不仅有着重要的理论意义,也有重大的现实意义,能为其他地区的农业保险制度的建立和完善提供一定的借鉴,促进农村经济发展,有利于社会主义新农村建设,最终实现全社会的可持续发展。 本文首先主要介绍了广西的农业发展状况,包括自然环境,农业生产状况,以及农业自然灾害情况,指出广西发展政策性农业保险的必要性和可行性。其次简要概括了广西农业保险的发展历程,包括纯商业化经营阶段和政策性经营阶段,并对广西现行的政策性农业保险主要试点险种进行逐一分析,包括水稻、甘蔗、能繁母猪、森林以及农村住房保险,通过分析总结出试点取得的成效以及不足之处。然后详细论述并分析了制约广西政策性农业保险可持续发展的因素,包括农户方面、保险人方面、政府方面等。最后根据以上的分析,提出了广西政策性农业保险可持续发展的相关对策建议,认为在农户方面:可以增加他们的收入、提高他们的保险意识和诚信意识;在保险公司方面:可以完善服务体系、开发新产品、培养专业人才队伍和发展中介机构;在政府方面:可以健全相关法律法规、完善监管体制、引进竞争机制以及加大财税支持力度等,旨在为加快广西农业保险建设,促进广西农村经济的全面、协调与可持续发展提供一定依据。
[Abstract]:Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region is located in the southwestern part of China. Its geographical environment is very complex. It spans the north tropics, subtropics and middle subtropics. The climate type is complex and changeable, the natural ecological environment is superior, and the species resources are quite rich. At the same time, due to the influence of monsoon, disastrous weather frequently occurred in Guangxi, which caused great losses to local agricultural production. As a risk transfer and coping mechanism, agricultural insurance plays an important role in dispersing agricultural risks, compensating economic losses, improving agricultural production capacity and increasing farmers' income. Therefore, to discuss the sustainable development of policy agricultural insurance in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region is not only of great theoretical significance, but also of great practical significance, which can provide some reference for the establishment and improvement of agricultural insurance system in other regions. Promoting rural economic development is conducive to the construction of a new socialist countryside and ultimately to the sustainable development of the whole society. This paper first introduces the development of agriculture in Guangxi, including the natural environment, agricultural production, and agricultural natural disasters, and points out the necessity and feasibility of developing policy-oriented agricultural insurance in Guangxi. Secondly, the development course of Guangxi agricultural insurance is briefly summarized, including the stage of pure commercial operation and the stage of policy management, and the analysis of the main pilot types of current policy agricultural insurance in Guangxi, including rice, sugarcane, etc. Can breed sows, forest and rural housing insurance, through analysis and summed up the results of the pilot and shortcomings. Then it discusses and analyzes the factors restricting the sustainable development of policy agricultural insurance in Guangxi, including farmers, insurers, government and so on. Finally, according to the above analysis, put forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions of the sustainable development of Guangxi policy-oriented agricultural insurance, think that in the aspect of farmers: can increase their income, improve their insurance awareness and integrity awareness; On the part of insurance companies, we can perfect the service system, develop new products, train professionals and develop intermediary organizations. In the government, we can perfect the relevant laws and regulations, perfect the supervision system, The purpose of introducing competition mechanism and increasing financial and tax support is to provide a certain basis for speeding up the construction of agricultural insurance in Guangxi and promoting the overall, coordinated and sustainable development of Guangxi's rural economy.


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