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发布时间:2018-10-17 11:29
[Abstract]:In August 2014, the State Council issued "some opinions on speeding up the Development of Modern Insurance Service Industry". The new "National Ten articles" aimed at the insurance industry shows that the country values the insurance industry. In recent years, China's insurance industry has developed at a high speed, which is not only conducive to China's economic development and social prosperity, but also conducive to ensuring the safety and health of the people's lives and property safety. However, throughout the insurance industry, its industrial status and industry image, still leave a larger space for development. With the rapid development of insurance business, the problems of fund management and internal control of insurance companies are gradually exposed. In order to further strengthen the construction of internal control mechanism of insurance industry funds, strengthen the risk resistance of insurance companies in all directions and optimize the control level of insurance funds, many insurance companies in the market are based on their own operating characteristics. Based on the existing situation of capital risk, we should abide by the relevant requirements and regulations to build and improve the internal control of funds, strengthen the control and control of insurance funds, and prevent capital risks. The author takes the Ningxia Branch of Pacific Life Insurance as the research object, using qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and other methods, through further exploring the various internal control problems of capital management in the process of operation of insurance enterprises. Based on the internal control of the working capital of the Pacific Life Insurance Company, the feasible suggestions and countermeasures are put forward. This study can expose the main defects and hidden risks in the internal control of the working capital of life insurance companies, thereby enabling the life insurance companies to prevent the risks of working capital management in advance and to ensure the stability and safety of the funds. Then, the business can develop steadily for a long time, and the management ability and economic benefit can be optimized continuously.


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