[Abstract]:As an important part of the multi-pillar old-age security system, enterprise annuity plays a more and more important role in perfecting the existing old-age security system, ensuring social harmony and stability, and coping with the aging of the population. For the management organization with enterprise annuity management qualification and the insurance company which mainly deals in enterprise annuity business, it is shouldering the important task of prospering the enterprise annuity market and promoting the development of enterprise annuity at the same time. It also shoulders the important mission of maintaining and increasing the value of enterprise annuity assets. It is an eternal topic how to bring stable and sustained investment income to annuity insured in the process of management for several decades. Based on the basic theory of enterprise annuity investment management, this paper draws lessons from the experience of foreign mature enterprise annuity investment management. In particular, on the basis of drawing lessons from the investment management experience of the US 401K Plan and the MPF Scheme of Hong Kong, and on the basis of an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the investment management of the enterprise annuity of M Insurance Company, The paper points out the main problems and challenges in the investment management of enterprise annuity, that is, the existing investment management concept is not closely related to the company's strategy, and the current investment strategy cannot maintain and increase the value of the enterprise annuity, thus undermining the realization of the strategy. Aiming at these problems, this paper puts forward a new investment management mode of enterprise annuity, which is guided by company strategy, guided by principal's benefit, and by means of risk management. Through the reconstruction and optimization of M insurance company's enterprise annuity investment management mode, this paper makes M insurance company's enterprise annuity investment management closely related to the realization of the company's strategy, so as to consolidate the leading position of the annuity market for the company. It is of great significance to improve customer satisfaction and sublimate the specialization of enterprise annuity investment management.
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