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发布时间:2018-10-19 12:42
[Abstract]:Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, China's insurance industry development and supervision are facing more and more serious challenges. As an important part of the financial system, the insurance industry has a pro-economic periodicity, which brings potential systemic risks to the insurance industry. How to reduce the adverse effects of procyclicality on the insurance industry? Governments and regulators all over the world agree that it is necessary to strengthen financial countercyclical supervision in order to reduce the procyclicality of the financial system and to prevent and defuse financial risks. In the process of the complex and changeable international economic situation and the adjustment of the domestic economic development mode, efforts are made to overcome the influence of various unstable and uncertain factors, and to study and explore the counter-cyclical supervision policy to the steady growth of the insurance business. Maintain the stability of the industry, prevent the emergence of systemic, regional risk is of great significance. In this paper, the theory of periodic effect of insurance industry is systematically expounded, the influence of procyclical effect on insurance industry is studied, the abnormal performance of insurance industry is analyzed, and the root causes of risk elimination are put forward. Mitigation cycle characteristics and other counter-cycle regulatory ideas. On this basis, some suggestions are put forward for countercyclical supervision of China's insurance industry, so as to reduce the cyclical fluctuations of the insurance industry and maintain the stable development of the financial system.


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