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发布时间:2018-10-21 07:33
【摘要】:中国加入WTO后,保险市场持续繁荣,2011年中国大陆财产类保险公司主体已经达到59家,保险主体之间竞争非常激烈,保险市场彻底转变为以顾客为中心的市场。2011年年底青岛市辖内财产险保险公司达到29家,人保、平安、太平洋占据青岛保险市场的半壁江山,被称为三大家,其余保险公司市场份额基本小于5%,一般称为中小保险公司,中小保险公司相似的是都不同程度的遇到顾客忠诚度较低问题,内在表现为保险公司客户续保率指标不高,外在表现为客户在选择投保中小保险公司顾虑重重。青岛C保险公司就是中小保险公司的一个典型的代表,青岛C保险公司车险客户续保率基本在25%以内,顾客忠诚度比较低。 本文通过最近三年的青岛C保险公司的数据分析和对市场客户的访谈,提出客户续保率作为保险公司顾客忠诚度的衡量指标,对影响青岛C保险公司的顾客忠诚度影响因素进行研究,找出青岛C保险公司顾客忠诚度影响因素的内部规律。在本文研究中选定顾客满意度、服务质量、顾客转换成本、企业形象作为影响青岛C保险公司顾客忠诚度的主要因素,建立了青岛C保险公司的顾客忠诚度影响因素模型,运用文献研究法、访谈法、调查法、实证分析等对顾客忠诚度影响模型进行研究。研究发现,顾客满意度、服务质量、顾客转换成本、企业形象对青岛C保险公司的顾客忠诚度都有着正向相关的直接影响。对顾客忠诚度影响最优的是顾客满意度,其次是服务质量,第三位的是企业形象,最后是顾客转换成本。 本文采取文献研究法、访谈法、调查法、实证分析等前人研究顾客忠诚度的研究方法,对中小保险公司行业进行顾客忠诚度研究。本文的研究对中小保险公司将有一定的现实意义,将有助于改善以青岛C保险公司为代表的中小保险公司的顾客忠诚度。
[Abstract]:After China's entry into WTO, the insurance market has continued to flourish. In 2011, there were 59 main bodies of property insurance companies in mainland China, and the competition among the insurance agents was very fierce. The insurance market has completely transformed into a customer-centered market. At the end of 2011, there were 29 property insurance companies under the jurisdiction of Qingdao City. PICC, Ping an and Pacific occupy half of the Qingdao insurance market, so they are known as the three major insurance companies. The market share of the other insurance companies is basically less than 5, generally called small and medium-sized insurance companies. Similar to the small and medium-sized insurance companies, they all encounter problems of low customer loyalty to varying degrees, which is inherent in the fact that the insurance company's customer renewal rate index is not high. External performance for customers in the choice of small and medium-sized insurance companies worry. Qingdao C Insurance Company is a typical representative of small and medium-sized insurance companies. The renewal rate of car insurance customers of Qingdao C Insurance Company is less than 25%, and the customer loyalty is relatively low. Based on the data analysis of Qingdao C Insurance Company in the last three years and the interview with market customers, this paper puts forward that the rate of customer renewal is a measure of customer loyalty of insurance companies. The influencing factors of customer loyalty of Qingdao C insurance company are studied, and the internal rules of influencing factors of customer loyalty of Qingdao C insurance company are found out. In this paper, customer satisfaction, service quality, customer conversion cost and corporate image are selected as the main factors that affect customer loyalty of Qingdao C Insurance Company, and the model of influencing factors of customer loyalty of Qingdao C Insurance Company is established. The influence model of customer loyalty is studied by literature research, interview, investigation and empirical analysis. It is found that customer satisfaction, service quality, customer conversion cost and corporate image have positive correlation with customer loyalty of Qingdao C Insurance Company. The best influence on customer loyalty is customer satisfaction, followed by service quality, third is enterprise image, and finally is customer switching cost. In this paper, literature research method, interview method, investigation method, empirical analysis and other previous research methods of customer loyalty, small and medium-sized insurance companies to conduct customer loyalty research. The research in this paper will be of practical significance to the small and medium-sized insurance companies and will help to improve the customer loyalty of the small and medium-sized insurance companies represented by Qingdao C insurance company.


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3 王会丽;;顾客价值研究理论综述[J];法制与社会;2007年02期

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8 余晖;顾客忠诚度策略之研究[J];商业文化;2004年01期

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2 沈泽;基于消费者视角的企业社会责任对企业声誉的影响研究[D];浙江大学;2006年

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9 孙树龙;顾客忠诚的影响因素研究[D];吉林大学;2010年

10 王赫;企业社会责任、企业声誉与顾客忠诚关系的实证研究[D];吉林大学;2010年




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