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发布时间:2018-10-21 09:35
【摘要】:社会保障制度是社会发展和进步的产物,也是现代国家文明的重要标志之一,完备的社会保障制度已成为当今社会发展的“稳定器”、“安全网”和改革的“缓冲器”。社会保险是社会保障系统的核心内容,社会养老保险在社会保险体系中又占据着及其重要的位置,我国的社会养老保险制度由于长期受到城乡二元社会结构的影响,具有深刻的城乡分割的特点,长期以来一直滞后于社会经济发展的步伐。同时,在经济较发达地区的社会养老保险制度也存在着诸如:城乡社会养老保险制度的覆盖面和保障水平总体偏低、城乡社会养老保险并轨基金支付压力巨大、城乡社会养老保险体系碎片化差异长期存在等问题,为此本文将从推进城乡统筹社会养老保险全覆盖为落脚点,试图为经济较发达地区探索出一条具有示范指导意义的城乡统筹社会养老保险新道路提出行之有效的对策与建议。 本文从城乡统筹的视野出发,对城镇职工养老保险制度、新型农村社会养老保险制度、统筹城乡社会养老保险等概念进行了界定和内涵概述,从公共产品理论、社会公平正义理论、统筹城乡发展理论三个方面梳理了城乡统筹社会养老保险制度的理论基础。同时,本文系统阐述了在城乡统筹过程中常熟市养老保险制度的发展轨迹,其中包括常熟市城镇企业职工养老保险制度的发展与成效、农村养老保险制度的发展与成效以及常熟市被征地农民基本生活保障制度的发展与成效,通过分析常熟市“城保”和“农保”接轨的动因和当地的做法,归纳总结出存在问题、瓶颈以及造成瓶颈的原因。同时,通过分析借鉴国外社会养老保险制度的经验,在此基础上结合常熟实际,从操作层面和制度层面上提出了包括统筹优化常熟城乡养老保险的制度体系、增强社会养老保险基金管理水平与可持续发展能力、提高城乡居民参与社会养老保险的能力及意愿、优化社会养老保险体系运行的配套措施等对策措施。
[Abstract]:The social security system is the product of social development and progress and one of the important symbols of modern national civilization. A complete social security system has become a "stabilizer", a "safety net" and a "buffer" for social development. Social insurance is the core content of social security system, and social old-age insurance occupies an extremely important position in the social insurance system. The social old-age insurance system of our country is affected by the dual social structure of urban and rural areas for a long time. With the characteristics of deep urban-rural division, has been lagging behind the pace of social and economic development for a long time. At the same time, the social old-age insurance system in the more developed areas also exists such as: the coverage and security level of urban and rural social old-age insurance system is on the low side, and the social pension insurance system in urban and rural areas is under great pressure to pay funds. The fragmentation of urban and rural social old-age insurance system has long existed problems, so this paper will focus on the promotion of urban and rural overall social pension insurance coverage. This paper attempts to provide effective countermeasures and suggestions for exploring a new road of urban and rural overall planning social old-age insurance in economically developed areas. From the perspective of urban and rural planning, this paper defines and summarizes the concepts of urban workers' old-age insurance system, new rural social old-age insurance system, as well as urban and rural social old-age insurance. The theory of social equity and justice, the theory of overall urban and rural development, combing the theoretical basis of urban and rural overall social endowment insurance system. At the same time, this paper systematically expounds the development track of the pension insurance system in Changshu city, including the development and effect of the pension insurance system for urban enterprise workers in Changshu city. The development and effect of rural old-age insurance system and the development and effect of the basic living security system of land-expropriated farmers in Changshu City are summarized, and the existing problems are summed up through the analysis of the motivation and local practice of "urban insurance" and "rural insurance" in Changshu city. The bottleneck and the cause of the bottleneck. At the same time, by analyzing and learning from the experience of foreign social endowment insurance system, combining with Changshu practice, this paper puts forward the system including optimizing urban and rural pension insurance in Changshu from the operational level and system level. We should strengthen the management level and sustainable development ability of social endowment insurance fund, improve the ability and willingness of urban and rural residents to participate in social endowment insurance, and optimize the supporting measures of social endowment insurance system.


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