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发布时间:2018-10-23 13:32
[Abstract]:Employment is the foundation of the people. After our country economy enters L-type growth, in order to further deepen the reform, begin to carry on the industry transformation and upgrade. As a big coal province, unemployment and re-employment have become the focus of people's livelihood in Shanxi Province, and the study of unemployment insurance system and fund is of great significance to solve the problem of unemployment and re-employment. Based on the analysis of unemployment insurance system in Shanxi Province, this paper studies the operation of unemployment insurance fund. Through the comparative analysis of fund income, expenditure, balance and management in the past 15 years, as well as the forecast of the development trend of fund income, expenditure and balance in the next decade in the light of policy adjustments, It is concluded that the running of unemployment insurance fund in Shanxi Province has the problems of excessive balance and excessive growth rate, mismatch of balance trend with economic situation, low level of expenditure, and according to the current policy intensity, Such problems will persist for some time to come. This paper analyzes the causes of the above problems from the sources and uses of the fund. The reasons include the low participation rate of the people with high unemployment risk and the lower enthusiasm of the payers at the fixed contribution rate. The unemployment insurance fund has a lower level of co-ordination; the reasons for its use include: the low level of unemployment benefits, the inability to meet the basic livelihood security of the unemployed, and the lack of flexibility in the payment of unemployment benefits. As a result, the number of people participating in receiving unemployment benefits is lower than that of urban registered unemployment, the training system of social re-employment is not perfect, the proportion of unemployment insurance fund to re-employment expenditure is low, and the enthusiasm of unemployed people to apply for unemployment benefit is not high. Starting from the level of unemployment insurance system, the author finds out the perfect direction of the whole operation of unemployment insurance fund: it is necessary to expand the coverage of unemployment fund in Shanxi Province, establish a mechanism to regulate the contribution rate of unemployment insurance fund, and raise the overall planning level of unemployment insurance fund. We should adjust the standard and time limit of unemployment insurance payment, standardize the information management of unemployment insurance fund, make the unemployment insurance fund run healthily and sustainably, give full play to its fundamental function of protecting life and promoting employment.


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