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发布时间:2018-10-23 14:06
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of our economy, the national per capita income is increasing, and the population base of our country is large, and the number of motor vehicles in our country is also increasing. Because of this, the scale of auto insurance premium in our country expands year by year, and the insurance market of our country gradually has the ability to carry out the marketization of complete auto insurance rate. At the same time, in response to the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, China began to implement the program of deepening the reform of commercial auto insurance rates from April 1, 2015. After the implementation of the reform plan, the insurance companies began to adjust their business strategy. Compared with large property insurance companies with high competitiveness, the reform has brought more challenges and opportunities to small and medium-sized property insurance companies. In order to better face the reform, this paper gives some suggestions on the management strategy of small and medium property insurance companies. In the first part of this paper, through the analysis and arrangement of the previous research data, the marketization process of China's auto insurance rate is divided into four stages. The first stage is the initial stage of auto insurance rate marketization in 2003, the second stage is the implementation of commercial auto insurance rate reform in Beijing at the end of 2009, and the third stage is the implementation of commercial car insurance rate reform in Shenzhen in June 2010. The fourth stage is the stage of overall tariff marketization, which began in April 2015. The second part expounds the opportunities and challenges that small and medium property insurance companies may face when dealing with the marketization of auto insurance rates. Small and medium property insurance companies can combine their own advantages and use UBI insurance to achieve continuous expansion of business scale. At the same time, the marketization of auto insurance rate brings many challenges to small and medium-sized property insurance companies, such as the rising of comprehensive cost rate, insufficient management ability, insufficient innovation ability, increasing risk of claim settlement and so on. The third part, through the analysis of the market share and compensation scale of car insurance business premium of small and medium property insurance companies after the marketization of Shenzhen auto insurance rate and Shandong auto insurance rate. The conclusion that small and medium property insurance companies become worse after marketization of car insurance rates. In Shenzhen market, the market scale of medium and small property insurance company becomes smaller. In Shandong market, small and medium-sized property insurance companies in the market scale has not increased significantly. In the fourth part, in order to improve the operating situation of small and medium-sized property insurance companies after the marketization of car insurance rates, this paper gives the corresponding countermeasures in four aspects: underwriting strategy, settlement strategy, sales strategy and talent development strategy. The underwriting strategy includes: standardizing the principles of underwriting policy and refining the underwriting conditions. Claim settlement strategy includes two aspects: improving insurance service ability, shaping company brand and perfecting related system and management measures of auto insurance claim service. Sales strategies include: building a systematic sales promotion system and innovative sales channels. Talent development strategies include: perfecting the talent training mechanism and solving the brain drain problem.


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