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发布时间:2018-10-24 11:43
【摘要】:随着中国经济改革的进一步深化,保险业机遇与挑战并存。一方面,经济规模的扩大、社会财富的增长以及城乡居民收入大幅增长,促进保险需求快速增长;另一方面市场竞争日激趋激烈,参与竞争的主体日益增多,保险公司传统的经营模式受到严峻挑战。如何在新环境下改善和修正不合时宜的经营模式,制定适合自身发展的竞争战略,提升市场竞争能力,成为各大保险公司面临的重要任务。 本文以人保财险广东省分公司为研究对象,采取理论与实证分析相结合的方式,运用PEST分析法对人保财险广东省分公司所处的外部环境进行分析,找出该公司面临的机会和威胁,再从资源和能力两方面对该公司的内部环境进行分析,指出该公司的优势和劣势。在此基础上运用SWOT分析,将人保财险广东省分公司的机会、威胁、优势和劣势相结合起来,指出差异化战略是适合该公司发展的竞争战略。 在确定差异化竞争战略后,提出人保财险广东省分公司实施该战略的实现路径,重点在于推进产品差异化、品牌差异化、服务差异化和渠道差异化等策略,通过实施差异化战略确保公司的竞争优势,巩固公司的市场地位。最后,论述了实施差异化战略的保障措施,提出应进一步深化组织结构改革、建立科学人力资源管理体系、强化信息技术支持力度和深化企业文化建设,确保差异化战略的顺利实施。
[Abstract]:With the further deepening of China's economic reform, opportunities and challenges coexist in the insurance industry. On the one hand, the expansion of economic scale, the growth of social wealth and the substantial increase of income of urban and rural residents, promote the rapid growth of insurance demand; on the other hand, the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the main body participating in the competition is increasing day by day. The traditional business model of insurance company is faced with severe challenge. How to improve and modify the anachronistic business model, formulate the competitive strategy suitable for their own development, and promote the market competition ability in the new environment have become the important tasks faced by the major insurance companies. This paper takes PICC Guangdong Branch as the research object, adopts the combination of theory and empirical analysis, using PEST analysis method to analyze the external environment of PICC Guangdong Branch. To find out the opportunities and threats faced by the company, and then analyze the internal environment of the company in terms of resources and capabilities, and point out its strengths and weaknesses. Based on the analysis of SWOT, this paper combines the opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages of PICC Guangdong Branch, and points out that the differentiation strategy is a competitive strategy suitable for the development of PICC. After determining the strategy of differentiated competition, this paper puts forward the implementation path of PICC Guangdong Branch, which focuses on promoting product differentiation, brand differentiation, service differentiation and channel differentiation, etc. Through the implementation of differentiation strategy to ensure the company's competitive advantage, consolidate the company's market position. Finally, the paper discusses the safeguard measures of implementing differentiation strategy, and puts forward that we should further deepen the reform of organizational structure, establish a scientific human resource management system, strengthen the support of information technology and deepen the construction of enterprise culture. Ensure the smooth implementation of differentiation strategy.


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1 谢圣远;李晓锋;;保险公司创新管理存在的问题与对策[J];上海金融;2012年03期

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1 广东省统计局 国家统计局广东调查总队;[N];南方日报;2013年

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1 夏琴;人保财险公司竞争战略研究[D];西南财经大学;2004年

2 蔡黔芬;房地产业的市场结构分析[D];武汉理工大学;2004年

3 林寅飞;中国人保财险辽宁省分公司发展战略研究[D];大连理工大学;2006年

4 陈嘉一;中国人保财险山东省分公司竞争战略研究[D];广西大学;2007年

5 刘志安;HD广告公司竞争战略研究[D];昆明理工大学;2008年

6 翟光景;湖南红网的发展战略研究[D];中南大学;2007年

7 于甘霖;人保财险大连分公司市场营销策略研究[D];大连理工大学;2008年

8 庞旭勐;深圳人保公司竞争战略研究[D];华南理工大学;2009年

9 于航;人保财险山东省分公司车险业务战略研究[D];山东大学;2009年

10 闫志章;人保财险吉林省分公司营销策略研究[D];吉林大学;2012年




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