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发布时间:2018-11-17 17:33
【摘要】:农业科技、农业金融和农业保险是新农村建设的三大支柱,而且作为“绿箱政策”之一的农业保险是世贸组织允许的扶持农业的方式。新疆作为一个农业大省,,自然灾害发生频繁,特别是现代农业的大力发展在提高效益的同时也增大了经营的风险,这就需要农业保险来降低和分散风险。但新疆农业保险的发展不能满足农户的需求。对新疆农业保险模式的研究比较少且大多停留在模式本身,对农业保险运行机制的研究现在还是一个空白。 本文首先对新疆省农业保险发展的现状进行了分析,新疆农业保险的发展经过了长期的积累和完善,已经进入稳健发展阶段,但是近几年新疆农业保险保费收入占全国农业保险保费收入的比重呈现出持续下滑的趋势。本文从政府即供给的角度和需求的角度探讨其出现的原因,得出:一方面,现行新疆农业保险的发展模式和运行机制在很大程上依赖于政府的扶持和推动,这就给政府带来了很大的财政等方面的压力,政府只能根据其自身的财力、物力、人力等状况来组织开展农业保险;另一方面农业行业和农户对农业保险的需求没有得到有效的满足。 其次,文章设想引进商业保险公司来经营农业保险业务。并对农业保险三个行为主体进行博弈分析。探讨农户、政府和保险公司在农业保险经营过程中的地位和各自的角色。得出在农业保险的开办中,农户没有话语权;保险公司要以大局为重,开办农业保险业务要是政策性的;政府依旧要提供补贴。 再次,文章对国内外农业保险发展模式和运行机制进行了比较分析,总结得出了可供新疆参考的经验启示,在此基础上,给出了新疆农业保险发展的模式和运行机制。新疆应结合其实际情况,提供两种可供参考的模式:政府主导下的合作社模式和政府主导下的商业保险公司模式。并在管理机制、补贴机制、保障机制等方面探讨了新疆发展农业保险的运行机制。最后,文章从政府、保险公司和农户三方面给出了促进新疆农业保险发展的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Agricultural science and technology, agricultural finance and agricultural insurance are the three pillars of new rural construction, and as one of the "green box policies", agricultural insurance is the way allowed by WTO to support agriculture. As a big agricultural province, natural disasters occur frequently in Xinjiang, especially the development of modern agriculture increases the risk of management, which needs agricultural insurance to reduce and disperse the risk. However, the development of agricultural insurance in Xinjiang can not meet the needs of farmers. The research on the agricultural insurance model in Xinjiang is relatively few and mostly stays in the mode itself. The research on the operation mechanism of agricultural insurance is still a blank. This paper first analyzes the current situation of the development of agricultural insurance in Xinjiang province. After a long period of accumulation and improvement, the development of agricultural insurance in Xinjiang has entered the stage of steady development. However, in recent years, the proportion of agricultural insurance premiums in Xinjiang has been declining. From the angle of government supply and demand, this paper discusses the reasons for its emergence. On the one hand, the current development mode and operation mechanism of Xinjiang agricultural insurance depend on the support and promotion of the government in a large extent. This has brought great financial pressure to the government, the government can only according to its own financial, material, human and other conditions to organize the development of agricultural insurance; On the other hand, the agricultural industry and farmers' demand for agricultural insurance has not been effectively met. Second, the article envisions the introduction of commercial insurance companies to operate agricultural insurance business. And carries on the game analysis to the agricultural insurance three behavior main body. This paper discusses the status and respective roles of farmers, governments and insurance companies in the process of agricultural insurance management. The conclusion is that in the course of agricultural insurance, farmers have no right to speak; insurance companies should focus on the overall situation and start agricultural insurance business if they are policy-oriented; the government still has to provide subsidies. Thirdly, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the development mode and operation mechanism of agricultural insurance at home and abroad, summarizes the experience and enlightenment for Xinjiang's reference, and on this basis, gives the development mode and operation mechanism of agricultural insurance in Xinjiang. According to its actual situation, Xinjiang should provide two models for reference: the cooperative mode under the guidance of the government and the commercial insurance company mode under the guidance of the government. The paper also discusses the operation mechanism of agricultural insurance development in Xinjiang in the aspects of management mechanism, subsidy mechanism and safeguard mechanism. Finally, the paper gives the policy suggestions from the government, insurance companies and farmers to promote the development of agricultural insurance in Xinjiang.


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