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发布时间:2018-11-20 15:15
【摘要】:目前我国的养老保险制度是为我国公民因年龄大而丧失劳动能力被迫离开工作岗位,或是已经满足国家法律规定的工作年限,正常退休后提供基本生活保障而建立的一种托底性的社会保险制度。主要针对我国公民达到法定退休年龄后的一般老年生活所需,实际上远不能满足高龄老人中大量需要长期照料的失智、失能老人的生活需要,已经有越来越多的家庭发现,一旦家中有老人卧床不起,需要长期照料,或家有老年痴呆病患者,需要长期看护时,经济负担一下子加重起来,而且常常饱受春节、长假等传统节假日请不到保姆以及保姆往往素质较低不懂得专业护理知识、技能等等诸多烦恼,,随着国家老龄化现象日趋严重,未来10年上述问题将困扰越来越多的中国式4-2-1家庭。家庭是社会的细胞,大量的家庭不稳定,必将导致社会的不稳定,国家需要从宏观层面对“养老护理”问题拿出一个切实的解决方案。 对子女的疼爱是人之天性,对老人的关爱才是社会进步的体现。本文通过对欧美、日本等早先进入老龄化社会的国家的养老体系研究,并结合中国的社会经济现状和老龄化发展趋势,前瞻性地提出由国家强制建立养老护理保险制度,通过个人参与投保、中央、地方财政补贴的方式,建立起养老护理保险基金,专门用于失智、失能老人的护理支出,建立严格的分类分级制度,给予每位投保老人相应的补贴,解决家庭独立承担经济负担过重的问题;同时鼓励养老护理工作社会化与市场化相结合,建立专业的机构评级和护理员能力评定制度,规范养老护理行业,使得高龄失智、失能老人无论家境如何,都能享有普惠式的基本养老护理保障,真正体现社会主义国家制度的优越性。
[Abstract]:At present, the pension insurance system in our country is for our citizens to be forced to leave their jobs because of their old age, or because they have already met the number of years of work prescribed by the state law. A supporting social insurance system established to provide basic living security after normal retirement. Mainly aimed at the needs of ordinary old people who have reached the legal retirement age in our country, in fact, they are far from meeting the needs of a large number of elderly people who need long-term care for their daily lives. More and more families have found that Once an elderly person is bedridden at home and needs long-term care, or a family with Alzheimer's disease in need of long-term care, the financial burden suddenly becomes heavier and often suffers from Spring Festival. Long holidays and other traditional holidays without nannies and nannies often lack the quality of professional nursing knowledge, skills and many other troubles, as the aging of the country becomes more and more serious. In the next decade, these problems will plague more and more Chinese-style 4-2-1 families. Family is the cell of society, a large number of family instability, will lead to social instability, the country needs from the macro level to the "old-age care" problem to come up with a practical solution. Love for children is human nature, care for the elderly is the embodiment of social progress. Based on the study of the pension system of the countries such as Europe, America and Japan, which entered the aging society earlier, and in combination with the current social and economic situation and the trend of aging in China, this paper foresight puts forward the compulsory establishment of the old-age care insurance system by the state. Through individual participation in insurance, central and local financial subsidies, an old-age care insurance fund was set up to be used specifically for the care expenditure of the mentally retarded and disabled elderly, and a strict classification and grading system was established to give each insured person a corresponding subsidy. To solve the problem that families bear excessive financial burden independently; At the same time, we should encourage the socialization and marketization of old-age care work, establish a professional institutional rating system and a nursing ability assessment system, standardize the old-age nursing industry, and make the aged and disabled people lose their wisdom, regardless of their family circumstances. Can enjoy universal basic old-age care security, the real embodiment of the superiority of the socialist system.


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