[Abstract]:Social old-age insurance in underdeveloped areas has a long history of separation between urban and rural areas, stratification and division of regions. At present, the development still highlights the shortcomings of the system of "partitioning and controlling" and the lack of equalization of services, etc. It is of great significance and especially urgent to promote the integration of social endowment insurance in urban and rural areas. The logic of urban-rural integration of social old-age insurance in underdeveloped areas is: based on the holistic approach and systematic principles invoked by holistic governance, the government is leading the way. Form a top-down strategic thinking of overall management and bottom-up interest oriented reform mechanism, and construct the system structure and service mode of the integration development of urban and rural social endowment insurance. By establishing a balanced public financial investment mechanism between urban and rural areas, strengthening the cooperative governance ability of the diversified main body of pension insurance, and innovating the one-stop and mobile service model of pension insurance service, and other specific strategies. Further improve the urban and rural overall coverage of social endowment insurance service system, promote the promotion of pension insurance services and institutional integration of the interaction to promote development, and ultimately realize the integration of urban and rural social pension insurance in underdeveloped areas.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古大学公共管理学院;
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