[Abstract]:Risk models are divided into two categories: continuous ruin probability model and discrete ruin probability model. The classical risk theory is mainly concerned with the probability of bankruptcy. After that, the introduction of the bankruptcy deficit and the instantaneous surplus before bankruptcy obtains many beautiful results, which makes the probability of bankruptcy rich in more insurance significance. In this paper, we first study the renewal equation under the continuous ruin probability model. The renewal equation is the core equation to obtain the ruin probability, which is usually obtained by the mathematical analysis of the surplus process. In this paper, two models of classical risk and constant interest rate risk are considered. From the point of view of ruin function, a new derivation method of renewal equation is given: the probability of ruin is obtained after the instantaneous surplus defect density is regularized before bankruptcy; When the claim is exponentially distributed, the independence of the bankruptcy deficit and the defect density of the instantaneous surplus before bankruptcy is regularized. Secondly, the discrete risk model including insurance and financial risk is studied. In this model, it is usually considered that the insurance risk X I is independent of the financial yaki, because the tail distribution of the random variable product is difficult to deal with in the case of dependence. In this paper, asymptotic independence is introduced to characterize the dependence of X I and Yi. Asymptotic independence is mainly used in the limit theory. In this paper, the product of random variables is studied by the extension of its definition. The equivalent deformation of asymptotically independent is studied by using Copula function, and the cases of AMH, FGM and Frank Copulas families are listed. When X I belongs to ERV (- 伪,-尾) and R _ 伪, the asymptotic solutions of the ruin probability of finite time and infinite time are given respectively.
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