发布时间:2018-11-22 06:54
【摘要】:广州市城乡基本医疗保险一体化具有理论及实践上的可操作性,但也不是一蹴而就的,,需要一定的时间跨度。这跟广州市各区的实际情况、经济发展状况、各区医疗保险的发展程度有很大的关系。 2015年1月1日,广州市城镇居民基本医疗保险将与新型农村合作医疗并轨为广州市城乡居民医疗保险。实现并轨后,将在广州市各区之间打破户籍限制,统一缴费、统一报销标准,这对实现广州市医疗保险一体化无疑迈出了重要的一步。笔者作为一名曾经具有医疗保险工作经验的经办人员,经历过从医疗保险机构创立、新型农村合作医疗的管理职能由卫生行政管理部门移交给人社部门,经历过广州市城镇职工基本医疗保险实现广州各区之间的市级统筹及广州市居民基本医疗保险实现广州各区之间的市级统筹。 本文通过陈述广州市城乡基本医疗保险一体化的背景、理论体系、存在的问题及提出解决的途径,最终说明广州市城乡基本医疗保险一体化应该是分阶段、按步骤、通过各种制度的完善来实现的。
[Abstract]:The integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou is feasible in theory and practice, but it is not accomplished overnight and needs a certain time span. This has a great relationship with the actual situation, economic development and the development of medical insurance in various districts of Guangzhou. On January 1, 2015, the basic medical insurance of urban residents in Guangzhou will be merged with the new rural cooperative medical insurance system to provide medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Guangzhou. After realizing the same track, it will break the household registration restriction, unify the payment of fees, and unify the standard of reimbursement between all districts of Guangzhou, which is undoubtedly an important step to realize the integration of medical insurance in Guangzhou. As a staff member with experience in medical insurance, the author has experienced the establishment of medical insurance institution, and the management function of the new rural cooperative medical system has been transferred from the health administrative department to the human society department. It has experienced the basic medical insurance of urban workers in Guangzhou to realize the city overall planning among Guangzhou districts and the basic medical insurance for Guangzhou residents to realize the city level overall planning among the districts in Guangzhou. This paper describes the background, theoretical system, existing problems and solutions of the integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou, and finally explains that the integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou should be divided into stages and steps. Through the improvement of various systems to achieve.
[Abstract]:The integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou is feasible in theory and practice, but it is not accomplished overnight and needs a certain time span. This has a great relationship with the actual situation, economic development and the development of medical insurance in various districts of Guangzhou. On January 1, 2015, the basic medical insurance of urban residents in Guangzhou will be merged with the new rural cooperative medical insurance system to provide medical insurance for urban and rural residents in Guangzhou. After realizing the same track, it will break the household registration restriction, unify the payment of fees, and unify the standard of reimbursement between all districts of Guangzhou, which is undoubtedly an important step to realize the integration of medical insurance in Guangzhou. As a staff member with experience in medical insurance, the author has experienced the establishment of medical insurance institution, and the management function of the new rural cooperative medical system has been transferred from the health administrative department to the human society department. It has experienced the basic medical insurance of urban workers in Guangzhou to realize the city overall planning among Guangzhou districts and the basic medical insurance for Guangzhou residents to realize the city level overall planning among the districts in Guangzhou. This paper describes the background, theoretical system, existing problems and solutions of the integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou, and finally explains that the integration of urban and rural basic medical insurance in Guangzhou should be divided into stages and steps. Through the improvement of various systems to achieve.
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