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发布时间:2018-11-27 06:45
【摘要】:随着农村老龄人口的不断增多,家庭规模小型化,使得家庭养老负担不断加重,再加上传统养老保障功能弱化使中国农村养老问题面临新的约束,亟需完善新型农村社会养老保险保障体系,保障农民老年人的生活。新型农村社会养老保险制度只有从农民的参保意愿出发,结合当地实际,以人为本,才能充分实现其社会保障作用,也有利于新型农村社会养老保险制度的实施建立长效机制和可持续发展。 本文采用交叉表与模型研究分析方法,,通过对昌吉市4个乡镇实地调查和研究分析,提出新型农村社会养老保险在政策制度和实施方面存在的问题,并通过对当地农民参与新农保意愿及影响因素进行多因素交叉分析和Logistic模型分析,结果表明,农民参保意愿受年龄、健康状况、子女数、对新型农村社会养老保险的认知情况、邻居参保情况、不确定因素、制度层面和实施效果的影响。最后,根据研究分析结果,并结合昌吉市新型农村社会养老保险政策制度的实施现状,提出相应的政策建议。
[Abstract]:With the increasing of the aging population in rural areas and the miniaturization of the family size, the burden of providing for the aged in the family is becoming more and more serious, and the weakening of the function of the traditional old-age security makes the rural old-age problem in China face new constraints. It is urgent to improve the new rural social endowment insurance system to ensure the life of the elderly farmers. The new rural social endowment insurance system can fully realize its social security function only from the farmers' willingness to participate in the insurance, combined with the local reality, people-oriented, It is also conducive to the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance system to establish a long-term mechanism and sustainable development. In this paper, by using cross-table and model analysis method, through field investigation and analysis of four towns in Changji City, the problems in policy system and implementation of new rural social old-age insurance are put forward. And through the multi-factor cross analysis and Logistic model analysis of the local farmers' willingness to participate in the new rural insurance and the influencing factors, the results show that the farmers' willingness to participate in the insurance is affected by age, health status, number of children, cognition of the new rural social old-age insurance. The influence of neighborhood insurance, uncertain factors, institutional level and effect of implementation. Finally, according to the research and analysis results, combined with the implementation status of the new rural social endowment insurance policy system in Changji, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward.


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