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发布时间:2018-11-27 14:09
【摘要】:保险行业是一个高度提供服务的行业,客户服务系统正是保险公司对外提供服务的支撑系统,但中国各地保监环境有一定差异,各地保险客户服务的要求和水平参差不齐,因此保险公司全国集中的客户服务系统,是一个涉及干系人众多、需求复杂的项目,项目沟通管理难度较大。2008年太保集团启动了建立全国统一客户服务系统二期项目,项目采用甲方主导、自主购买软硬件、开发实施外包的方式,在一期项目未取得预期目标的背景下,二期项目面临着如项目干系人众多、供应商管理混乱、开发商人员流动率高、及业务需求复杂多变等主要项目沟通管理问题。本研究以太保客户服系统二期建设项目为案例,针对项目面临的主要沟通问题,结合项目管理其他领域的知识,制定了相应的解决方法,希望为业内同行沟通管理提供一些参考方法。 本文首先介绍了国内外项目沟通管理现状,及太保建立全国集成客户服务系统的背景,说明集成类客户服务系统建设项目沟通管理的复杂性和难点,接着,文章阐述了项目沟通管理相关理论知识,引出本文研究的目的和意义,随后,本文介绍了项目组如何运用沟通管理的理论原理,并结合太保集团IT项目管理现状和项目的外包性质,运用项目管理沟通管理及其他领域的知识,从沟通管理计划的制定、沟通制度的制定、沟通流程的制定的角度,研究了针对项目中众多甲方干系人的管理、多供应商的沟通管理、开发商流动率较高、和项目需求复杂多变四个问题的沟通管理应对措施,最后,对以上沟通管理的不足与改进方向进行了阐述。 沟通管理贯穿项目的始终.本文中研究解决的问题,在IT信息系统建设行业具有一定的普遍性.本项目综合运用团队组织的相关原理,结合太保IT信息管理的相关制度,按照项目沟通的对象为线索,针对项目实际遇到的问题,制定了针对不同沟通对象的沟通管理措施,并通过项目实际执行验证,收到了较好的效果。本项目制定的沟通管理措施,对今后太保公司项目管理和具有类似组织结构的公司项目建设具有一定的借鉴意义,同样对于客户服务系统建设项目管理和外包项目的沟通管理具有一定的启发作用。
[Abstract]:The insurance industry is a highly service-providing industry. The customer service system is exactly the supporting system for insurance companies to provide services to the outside world. However, there are certain differences in the environment of insurance supervision and supervision throughout China, and the requirements and levels of insurance customer service vary from place to place. Therefore, the national centralized customer service system of insurance companies is a project involving a large number of stakeholders and complex needs, and the project communication and management is more difficult. In 2008, Taibao Group launched the second phase project of establishing a national unified customer service system. Under the background that the first phase of the project has not achieved the expected goal, the second phase project is faced with many project stakeholders, supplier management confusion, the project is led by Party A, buy the software and hardware independently, develop and implement the outsourcing method. Developers high turnover rate, and complex business requirements and other major project communication management issues. This study takes the second phase construction project of Taibao customer service system as an example, aiming at the main communication problems faced by the project and combining the knowledge of other fields of project management, the corresponding solutions are worked out. Hope to provide some reference methods for the industry peer communication management. This paper first introduces the current situation of project communication management at home and abroad, and the background of establishing the national integrated customer service system, explains the complexity and difficulties of the integrated customer service system construction project communication management, and then, This paper expounds the relevant theoretical knowledge of project communication management, leads to the purpose and significance of this study, and then introduces how the project team applies the theory of communication management. Combined with the current situation of IT project management and the nature of project outsourcing, this paper applies the knowledge of project management communication management and other fields, from the point of view of the formulation of communication management plan, the formulation of communication system, and the formulation of communication process. This paper studies the management measures for the four problems of the project, such as the management of many Party A stakeholders, the communication management of multiple suppliers, the high flow rate of developers, and the complex and changeable requirements of the project. Finally, The deficiency and improvement direction of the above communication management are expounded. Communication management runs throughout the project. In this paper, the research and solution of the problem in IT information system construction industry has a certain degree of universality. This project synthetically uses the team organization related principle, unifies the Taibao IT information management related system, according to the project communication object as the clue, according to the project actual encounter question, has formulated the communication management measure for the different communication object, And through the actual implementation of the project verification, received better results. The communication management measures formulated by this project have some reference significance for the project management of Taibao Company and the project construction of the company with similar organizational structure in the future. It also has some enlightening effect on the management of customer service system construction project and the communication management of outsourcing project.


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