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发布时间:2018-11-29 10:25
【摘要】:19世纪中叶以来,随着工业化与国际贸易的发展,劳动分工国际化,世界范围内的经济联系不断加强,导致世界性经济危机爆发,大量工人失业,社会生产力遭到极大破坏,社会稳定也因而受到威胁;而且此时由于机器的替代,工人的利益受到威胁,广大工人开始团结起来争取生活保障;加之经济理论的发展促使各国从理论上认识到制定以充分就业为目标的政策的重要性。由此,各国开始关注失业问题,采纳各种减缓失业的政策措施,失业保险制度应运而生。 我国的失业保险制度自1986年正式建立至今,经过不断的发展与完善,对我国的经济社会发展起到了一定的积极作用:促进了劳动力的合理流动、促进了国有企业的深化改革、有助于收入的合理分配、促进了经济体制改革尤其是劳动制度改革的进行等。但同时我们也看到,目前的制度还不是尽善尽美,,还存在失业保险覆盖范围过窄、待遇水平较低、再就业促进功能弱、统筹层次低等问题。 相对而言,美国的失业保险制度自1935年建立以来,经过70多年的发展与不断完善,在联邦政府与州政府的共同管理之下,其失业保险制度覆盖范围较广,对于预防失业、促进就业的功能较强,逐渐发展成为一种社会深层安全网与经济稳定器。我国同美国一样,幅员辽阔,地区间发展水平不一,因而不能实行完全统一的失业保险政策,不能全国各地区“一刀切”,这就为我国借鉴美国失业保险制度提供了可行性与现实可操作性。 本文正是出于学习经验的考量,通过介绍美国失业保险制度的发展历程、制度框架、基本内容等方面,对美国失业保险制度的特色进行分析研究,再结合中国失业保险制度的现状与我国具体国情,以期能够对美国失业保险制度中较为成功的方面加以学习,从而对中国失业保险制度的不断完善提供参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Since the middle of the 19th century, with the development of industrialization and international trade, the internationalization of division of labor and the strengthening of economic ties in the world, the world economic crisis broke out, a large number of workers lost their jobs, and the social productive forces were greatly damaged. Social stability is also threatened; At this time, because of the substitution of machines, the interests of workers are threatened, and the vast number of workers begin to unite for living security; in addition, the development of economic theory urges countries to realize theoretically the importance of formulating policies aiming at full employment. As a result, countries began to pay attention to unemployment, adopt various measures to alleviate unemployment, unemployment insurance system came into being. Since its formal establishment in 1986, the unemployment insurance system in China has played a positive role in the economic and social development of our country through continuous development and improvement: it has promoted the rational flow of labor force and the deepening reform of state-owned enterprises. It contributes to the rational distribution of income and promotes the reform of economic system, especially the reform of labor system. But at the same time, we also see that the current system is not perfect, there are still some problems such as narrow coverage of unemployment insurance, low level of treatment, weak function of re-employment promotion, low level of overall planning, and so on. Comparatively speaking, the unemployment insurance system of the United States has been established since 1935, after more than 70 years of development and continuous improvement, under the joint management of the federal government and the state government, its unemployment insurance system covers a wide range, which can prevent unemployment. The function of promoting employment is stronger, and it has gradually developed into a kind of deep social safety net and economic stabilizer. China, like the United States, has a vast territory and different levels of development among regions. Therefore, it cannot implement a completely unified unemployment insurance policy, nor can it be "one-size-fits-all" in all regions of the country. This provides the feasibility and practical maneuverability for our country to draw lessons from the American unemployment insurance system. Based on the study experience, this paper analyzes the characteristics of American unemployment insurance system by introducing the development course, institutional framework and basic contents of the unemployment insurance system in the United States. Combined with the current situation of China's unemployment insurance system and the specific conditions of our country, we hope to learn from the more successful aspects of the American unemployment insurance system, thus providing reference and reference for the continuous improvement of China's unemployment insurance system.


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1 刘宇栋;;美国失业保险制度与政策借鉴[J];西部财会;2007年09期

2 杨辉;张蓉蓉;;论我国失业保险功能的缺陷与完善[J];行政与法;2011年02期




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