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发布时间:2018-12-05 20:04
【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展和金融业现代化进程的推进,银行保险作为银行业、保险业合作的一种手段,得到了长足的发展,在个人理财市场上占据着一席之地,也成为了我国保险公司、特别是寿险公司产品营销的主要渠道之一。我国的银行保险业务自上世纪90年代产生以来,已经走过了近20年的发展历程。在取得很大成功、占据个人理财市场上较大份额的同时,由于银行保险产品在我国个人理财市场上面临储蓄、银行理财产品等替代品日益激烈的竞争,也导致了不少问题的显现。其中,同银行保险产品有关的问题,特别是人身险银保产品的开发、营销中所存在的问题,尤为突出。这些问题从源头上看,是由于我国寿险公司片面强调保费规模,营销手段单一和落后。这些问题的持续存在,已经严重影响了我国寿险银保业务的健康发展和持续增长。具体而言,我国寿险公司的银保产品开发主要存在过分强调收益而忽视保障功能、产品雷同、险种结构不合理、与银行金融产品互补性不强等一系列问题,而这些问题从根本上来说则源自银保产品的营销策略问题,主要表现在寿险公司营销激励机制存在缺陷、银保产品与销售渠道匹配度差、技术支持力度不足,以及重视新客户、轻视已有客户资源维护等各个方面。而要解决这些问题,则必须推进银行保险产品开发和营销的创新,具体而言,包括如下措施:银保产品开发要与银行自身业务实现互补与融合、银保人身险产品的保障功能必须得到完善、银保产品的营销渠道需要实现多元化等。 从论文结构来看,文章以银行保险产品的研究为主题,按照严谨的逻辑构造依次递进,总共分为五个章节。第一章简要介绍了银行保险的定义、影响因素、业务模式与我国银保业务的发展概况,主要是对银行保险进行一些概念性的叙述,为论文接下来的分析打下基础。第二章主要着眼于我国银保产品的发展环境及影响我国银保产品供给与需求的主要因素,是对我国银保业务市场环境现状的整理和阐述。第三章分类列举了我国寿险公司推出的银行保险产品,并辅以典型产品实例,提出了我国银行保险产品营销和产品开发中所存在的问题,还用较大篇幅分析了这些问题产生的原因。为了借鉴一些发达经济体的银行保险产品开发与营销的成功经验,论文的第四章专门对境外的银行保险产品进行了介绍,并对一些可供我国寿险企业参考的经验进行了归纳总结。第五章是论文最重要、最具创新性的部分。文章通过对前四个部分的总结,基于我国个人理财市场的现实背景提出了我国寿险公司银保产品开发和营销方式可行的创新思路和具体改进方向。第六章为结论部分,对全文分析进行了简要总结和概括。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of socialist market economy and the advancement of the modernization of financial industry, bancassurance, as a means of cooperation in banking and insurance industry, has gained considerable development and occupies a place in the market of personal finance. Also became our country insurance company, especially the life insurance company product marketing one of main channels. China's bancassurance business has gone through nearly 20 years since it came into being in 1990's. In order to achieve great success and occupy a large share of the personal finance market, because the bancassurance products are facing savings in the personal finance market of our country, the substitutes such as bank financial products have become increasingly fierce competition. It also led to the emergence of many problems. Among them, the problems related to bancassurance products, especially the development and marketing of life insurance products, are particularly prominent. From the source, these problems are due to the one-sided emphasis on the premium scale and the single and backward marketing means of the life insurance companies in our country. The persistence of these problems has seriously affected the healthy development and sustained growth of life insurance business in China. In particular, there are a series of problems in the development of Chinese life insurance companies, such as over-emphasizing the income but neglecting the safeguard function, product similarity, irrational insurance structure, and not strong complementarity with bank financial products, and so on. These problems are fundamentally due to the marketing strategies of the Bancassurance products, which are mainly reflected in the defects in the marketing incentive mechanism of the life insurance companies, the poor matching degree between the Bancassurance products and the sales channels, the insufficient technical support, and the importance attached to new customers. Despise the existing customer resources maintenance and other aspects. To solve these problems, we must promote innovation in the development and marketing of bancassurance products, including the following measures: the development of bancassurance products should complement and integrate with the banks' own business. The function of Bancassurance life insurance products must be improved, and the marketing channels of Bancassurance products should be diversified. According to the structure of the thesis, the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the definition of bancassurance, influencing factors, business model and the development of bancassurance business in China. It mainly gives a conceptual description of bancassurance, which lays a foundation for the next analysis of the thesis. The second chapter focuses on the development environment of China's bancassurance products and the main factors affecting the supply and demand of China's bancassurance products. The third chapter lists the bancassurance products launched by Chinese life insurance companies, and puts forward the problems existing in the marketing and development of bancassurance products. It also analyses the causes of these problems. In order to draw lessons from the successful experience in the development and marketing of bancassurance products in some developed economies, the fourth chapter of this paper is devoted to the introduction of foreign bancassurance products. Some experiences of life insurance enterprises in China are summarized and summarized. The fifth chapter is the most important and innovative part of the thesis. Based on the summary of the first four parts and the realistic background of personal finance market in our country, this paper puts forward the feasible innovative thinking and concrete improvement direction of the development and marketing methods of the life insurance products of our country's life insurance companies. The sixth chapter is the conclusion part, the full text analysis has carried on the brief summary and the summary.


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