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发布时间:2018-12-06 11:29
【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展,,我国已进入了环境污染事故高发期。根据国家环保总局公布的资料,我国的河流、河段已有近1/4因污染而不能满足灌溉用水要求,全国湖泊约有75%的水域受到显著污染。据权威部门估算,我国每年由于环境污染造成的直接经济损失达1200亿元。无独有偶,华北雾霾,京津冀鲁投入50亿联合治霾,河北是重灾区,污染前十名河北稳定地占据7席,在此看来,治污刻不容缓。而环境责任保险则给不堪重负的环境压力带来了希望,发展环境责任保险能够有效降低环境纠纷的交易成本,及时对受害人进行赔付,从而有效维护公众的环境权益。因此如何推广环境责任保险并且在全省甚至全国范围内广泛而有效的实施变得非常急切。 本文首先从保险学基本理论角度对环境责任保险的内涵、特征等方面进行了介绍,接下来分析了环境责任保险发展的作用,还从发展环境责任保险的必要性和可行性中详细阐述,并从以上各方面分析了发展我国环境责任保险的优势环境。然后主要是对国内环境责任保险以及国外环境责任保险的发展历程进行了详细的介绍,从中借鉴并总结启示,为河北省环境责任保险的发展方向做出正确的指引。对河北省环境责任保险的内外部、评定条件、地域条件等各方面的影响因素进行分析,并找到河北省环境责任保险发展中遇到的具体问题。最后,基于河北省环境责任保险的现状提出发展河北省环境责任保险的具体对策:完善法律体系、加强政策支持、加强宣传力度、扩大市场需求范围以及调整保险公司投保环节等。通过本文对环境责任保险的研究和探索,以期能够为河北省环境责任保险市场的进一步发展做出贡献。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, China has entered a period of high incidence of environmental pollution accidents. According to the data released by the State Environmental Protection Administration, nearly a quarter of the rivers and reaches of our country cannot meet the requirement of irrigation water because of pollution. About 75% of the lakes in China are polluted significantly. According to the estimate of authoritative department, the direct economic loss caused by environmental pollution in our country is 120 billion yuan each year. Coincidentally, North China haze, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shandong invested 5 billion in the combined treatment of haze. Hebei is a serious disaster area, and the top 10 polluters in Hebei occupy 7 seats stably, so it is urgent to deal with pollution. The environmental liability insurance brings hope to the unbearable environmental pressure. The development of environmental liability insurance can effectively reduce the transaction costs of environmental disputes and pay compensation to the victims in time so as to effectively protect the environmental rights and interests of the public. Therefore, how to popularize the environmental liability insurance and implement it widely and effectively in the whole province and even the whole country becomes very urgent. This paper first introduces the connotation and characteristics of environmental liability insurance from the basic theory of insurance, and then analyzes the role of the development of environmental liability insurance. It also expounds the necessity and feasibility of developing environmental liability insurance in detail, and analyzes the superior environment of developing environmental liability insurance in China from the above aspects. Then it introduces the development course of domestic environmental liability insurance and foreign environmental liability insurance in detail, draws lessons from it and sums up the inspiration, and makes a correct guide for the development direction of Hebei Province environmental liability insurance. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of environmental liability insurance in Hebei Province, such as internal and external factors, evaluation conditions and regional conditions, and finds out the specific problems encountered in the development of environmental liability insurance in Hebei Province. Finally, based on the current situation of environmental liability insurance in Hebei Province, the author puts forward some specific countermeasures for the development of environmental liability insurance in Hebei Province: perfecting the legal system, strengthening policy support, and strengthening publicity. Expand the scope of market demand and adjust insurance company insurance links and so on. Through the research and exploration of environmental liability insurance in this paper, we hope to contribute to the further development of environmental liability insurance market in Hebei Province.


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