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发布时间:2018-12-10 08:59
【摘要】:1992年,美国友邦将代理制引进中国,这项制度成为中国保险业几十年高速发展的原动力之一,总体来说,我国的保险营销员代理制发展良好,且成为了寿险市场经营的主渠道。但是快速的发展也无法掩盖代理制存在的问题,随着时间流逝,代理制的缺点逐渐显现,保险营销员法律地位不明确、准入机制不健全、培训和晋升机制不健全、佣金制度不合理、诚信缺失、监管机制存在缺口等很多方面,代理制无法满足现有保险市场的竞争环境,整个寿险业的可持续发展也面临着严峻的考验。此时,对中国保险营销员现行管理制度的改革迫在眉睫,能否找到一个科学有效的营销制度,对我国寿险市场乃至整个保险市场的快速健康协调发展起着关键作用。 本文在介绍了发达国家美国及日本目前的保险市场及其营销员管理制度后,结合中国保险市场现状,提出了其发展结果对于我们的重要意义。进而引出了中国现行的保险市场营销员管理体制——代理制及员工制。深入阐述了这两大制度的特点,发展优势,以及在中国现行市场的局限性。最后通过案例,得出结论,提出适合中国国情及保险市场发展的新营销员管理模式——将员工制与代理制相结合的管理模式,并提出可操作性的实际方案。 本文注重规范分析与实证分析,并综合运用了归纳,演绎,分类,比较等方法,开始通过对比研究方法,结合国外先进经验,对我国营销员制度进行了全面的考察,,再运用理论联系实际的方法,对我国保险营销员管理进行了深入的研究和分析,从而提出发展建议,使研究更具有科学性,合理性及现实性,对我国保险行业的持续发展及保险营销员体制改革有一定的现实指导意义。
[Abstract]:In 1992, American friends introduced the agency system into China, which became one of the driving forces for the rapid development of China's insurance industry for several decades. In general, the agency system of insurance marketers in China developed well and became the main channel for the operation of the life insurance market. However, the rapid development of the agency system cannot cover up the problems existing in the agency system. With the passage of time, the shortcomings of the agency system gradually appear, the legal status of insurance marketers is not clear, the access mechanism is not perfect, and the training and promotion mechanisms are not perfect. The commission system is unreasonable, the credit lacks, the supervision mechanism exists the gap and so on many aspects, the agency system cannot satisfy the existing insurance market competition environment, the entire life insurance industry sustainable development also faces the severe test. At this time, it is urgent to reform the current management system of Chinese insurance marketers. Whether we can find a scientific and effective marketing system plays a key role in the rapid and healthy development of our country's life insurance market and even the whole insurance market. This paper introduces the insurance market and its marketer management system in developed countries, America and Japan, and puts forward the significance of the development of the insurance market for us in the light of the current situation of China's insurance market. And then leads to China's current insurance market marketers management system-agent system and employee system. The characteristics of the two systems, the advantages of development and the limitations of the current market in China are expounded. Finally, through the case, we draw a conclusion, and put forward a new marketer management mode, which is suitable for China's national conditions and the development of insurance market, which combines the employee system with the agency system, and puts forward an operational practical scheme. This paper focuses on normative analysis and empirical analysis, and synthetically applies the methods of induction, deduction, classification, comparison and so on, and begins to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the marketer system of our country by means of comparative research methods and combined with advanced experience of foreign countries. Using the method of combining theory with practice, this paper makes a deep research and analysis on the management of insurance marketers in China, and then puts forward some suggestions for development, which makes the research more scientific, reasonable and realistic. It is of practical significance for the sustainable development of insurance industry and the reform of insurance marketer system.


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