[Abstract]:Agriculture is the basic industry related to the survival of more than one billion people in China. The healthy development of agriculture is the cornerstone of national prosperity and social stability. All along, the central government attaches great importance to the issue of agriculture, countryside and farmers. At present, the central government is vigorously promoting modern agricultural production, deepening the rural financial reform, and greatly improving the living standards of farmers. Policy-oriented agricultural insurance is an important part of this work. As an important means to stabilize national agricultural production, agricultural insurance is being used by many countries. Because of its vast territory and great difference in geographical environment, our country often suffers from natural disasters, and there are many kinds of disasters, which cause tens of billions of losses in agricultural production every year. Therefore, vigorously promote agricultural insurance in China's comprehensive development is particularly important. It should be seen that the development of policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China is still relatively backward, especially in the provinces where agricultural insurance started late. As a big agricultural province, the development of agricultural insurance in Hubei Province is very asymmetric with its agricultural output. A large area of crops in Hubei Province is in a state of insurance vacancy, which has formed a huge hidden danger for the safety and stability of agricultural production. This paper constructs the evaluation system of operational utility level of policy-oriented agricultural insurance by using AHP, and objectively reflects the development of policy-oriented agricultural insurance in Hubei Province through scientific methods. A systematic analysis of the situation is made and some suggestions are put forward. Specifically, this paper first introduces the concept, steps and use of AHP, introduces the use of YAAHP software, for the later calculation of the comprehensive score of the policy agricultural insurance utility level in each province, the technical method of preparation; Then, this paper introduces the concept of policy-based agricultural insurance and the types of operational mechanism of policy-based agricultural insurance in China. Through the interpretation of the connotation of the operational utility level of policy-based agricultural insurance, six indicators affecting the utility level are obtained. The author then lists the relevant data of Hubei Province and other provinces on these six indicators, and makes a systematic calculation by using YAAHP software, and obtains the comprehensive score of the utility level of policy agricultural insurance in five provinces. The calculated results of each index are analyzed in detail. Through the analysis of these data, the author summarizes the reasons why the development of policy agricultural insurance in Hubei province lags behind. Through the research on the operational utility of policy-oriented agricultural insurance, this paper draws the conclusion that the utility level of this insurance in Hubei Province is low, the financial subsidy is insufficient, the propaganda is not enough, the agricultural insurance market is chaotic, and the compensation is low. Finally, some feasible optimization measures and suggestions are put forward.
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