[Abstract]:Motor vehicle insurance (abbreviated as "auto insurance") is the main type of insurance in the property insurance market in China, and its premium income accounts for the main part of the total premium income of property insurance. Although premium income is relatively large, but the profit situation of automobile insurance industry in China is not ideal. Therefore, in 2015, China began to study the implementation of commercial car insurance rate reform, giving insurance companies more pricing rights. At the same time, big data, the rise of car networking technology has given insurance companies a practical and feasible technical way to obtain data on vehicle operation parameters, driver's driving behavior, road environment, and so on, and apply it to customer selection and car insurance rate determination. Settle claims, etc. In such an environment, a new type of UBI insurance has begun to emerge. UBI insurance gives insurance companies the ability to price accurately and market accurately. However, because China's tariff reform has just begun, the development of technologies such as car networking is not yet mature. At the same time, there are many problems in the market of UBI auto insurance, so that insurance companies have doubts about UBI insurance. This paper introduces and analyzes the background and existing problems of UBI insurance from many aspects, and discusses the importance of developing UBI insurance in insurance companies combined with foreign experience. This paper puts forward the content of business model of developing UBI auto insurance by insurance company and demonstrates its rationality, creatively puts forward the solution of privacy problem and discusses the feasibility of applying smart phone to UBI. Finally, the strategy of developing UBI insurance for insurance companies is put forward.
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