[Abstract]:Since the new rural cooperative medical system was launched in Linfen City in 2003, it has received a positive response from the majority of farmers. The proportion of participation and cooperation has gradually increased, and the coverage has been continuously expanded. Up to 2012, the participation rate of the new rural cooperative medical system in Linfen has reached 98.37. To a certain extent, it has alleviated the problem of "difficult to see a doctor, expensive to see a doctor", and promoted the realization of social equity and justice. While fully affirming the existing achievements, this paper puts forward and analyzes the problems existing in the operation of Linfen New Agricultural Cooperation from the perspective of fairness. Through a systematic investigation of the implementation of the new agricultural cooperation system in Linfen City, it is concluded that the factors hindering the realization of the fair goal of the new agricultural cooperation system in Linfen City for a long time mainly come from the new agricultural cooperation system itself and the external system. The system itself is restricted by the system design, information access, medical services, fund raising, benefit compensation and other aspects of the lack of fairness; The external limiting factors of the system are the poor economic conditions in rural areas relative to the cities and towns and the large differences in the level of medical security between urban and rural residents under the dual structure of urban and rural areas for a long time. In view of the system itself, this paper puts forward the sustainable development of the new rural cooperative medical system, the strengthening of propaganda, the improvement of the new rural cooperative medical information awareness rate, the increase of rural health fund input, the rational allocation of rural health resources, and the establishment of a scientific fund raising mechanism. Perfecting the fund supervision mechanism and other measures to ensure the realization of the fair goal of Linfen's new agricultural cooperation system; In view of the external restriction factors of the system, it is proposed to carry out the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Party, speed up the rural economic development and the reform of the integration of urban and rural areas, and promote the establishment of the medical security system as a whole. Compared with the previous studies only from the perspective of sustainability of the NCMS system, this paper pays more attention to the lack of fairness in the operation of the NCMS system, and puts forward a series of rationalization suggestions through in-depth thinking. It not only provides a theoretical basis for perfecting the new agricultural cooperation system in Linfen City, but also provides a reference basis for the implementation and reference of the new agricultural cooperation system in other regions.
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