[Abstract]:Under the condition of continuous development of social economy, the financial industry and the insurance industry have obtained the vigorous development. At present, risk theory has been widely used in financial industry and insurance industry as a general theory of risk prediction and evaluation by decision makers or operators. Bankruptcy theory has become the core content of risk theory in insurance mathematics. It is a central problem in risk theory in recent decades. Its research has both theoretical significance and practical application background. Gerber and Shiu proposed the expected discounted penalty function (later called Gerber-Shiu function) in the literature, because it has many advantages. Therefore, the research on the expected discounted penalty function has always been a hot issue in the field of actuarial insurance research, and the research on the penalty function can be viewed in the literature. In this paper, based on the compound Poisson risk model, the random observation time is taken into account, and the continuous case is transformed into the continuous discrete combination case. Then different risk models are obtained by generalizing them in different aspects, and the discounted penalty function is studied. Finally, the differential-integral equation is obtained. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. The random observed composite Poisson risk model is extended to the stochastic observed composite Poisson risk model with Brownian motion, and then the integral-differential equations satisfied by the discounted penalty function under this risk model are calculated. 2. The random observed compound Poisson risk model is extended to the composite Poisson risk model with random income, and then the Integro-differential equations satisfied by the discounted penalty function under the risk model are calculated.
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