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发布时间:2019-07-23 10:36
[Abstract]:The essence, function and function of the insurance are clearly recognized as the important premise of the accurate positioning of insurance. It is also the core of the development of the insurance industry, the development of the insurance industry and the core of the economic development. The cognition of function and function has always been the core issue of insurance theory and insurance development. In general, the insurance function reflects the nature of the insurance, and the insurance function reflects the social and economic effects of the insurance function. The insurance function is the objective requirement of the nature of the insurance, and there is no difference in size. Clear understanding of the nature, function and function of the insurance is an important prerequisite for accurate positioning of insurance. It is also the core theoretical basis for developing the insurance industry development policy and promoting the development of the insurance industry and even the economic development.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院金融研究所


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