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发布时间:2018-04-15 02:33

  本文选题:房地产中介企业 + 顾客满意度 ; 参考:《山东建筑大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of living standards, social products and services continue to enrich people's consumption consciousness, not just stay in the past the prices of goods and services, the quality of consumers now pay more attention to the products or services, consumers can freely choose their favorite products or service, the seller's market has been transformed into a buyer's market, business transformation the role of more and more enterprises pay more attention to customer satisfaction, only the production of customer satisfaction of products, enterprises can survive in the fierce competition in the market, to occupy more market share, get more profit, so now more and more enterprises to improve customer satisfaction to a strategic height, to improve customer satisfaction as an important the development strategy of the enterprise. The real estate intermediary enterprises as a special service industry, in the real estate market to play on To the role of a bridge transaction. According to the National Bureau of statistics show that China has more than 60% commercial housing sales and more than 90% of second-hand housing transactions are done through an intermediary, we can see that the intermediary enterprise is an important part of the real estate market economy, plays an important role in promoting the development of the national economy. With the development of the national economy, the real estate intermediary enterprise is developing rapidly and the real estate intermediary has huge development potential and broad market prospects. But although the social demand for real estate intermediary in the gradually enlarged, but the real estate market development environment is not very ideal, many uncertain factors, the risk of real estate. Especially ordinary intermediary intermediary market, due to low investment cost, management is not standardized, the market access system is not perfect, the entry threshold is low, the operation is not standardized, low credibility, competitive Competition means and way backward, the market is very competitive, many small and medium-sized real estate intermediary business is facing the pressure of competition and survival, leading to the survival rate of real estate intermediary business is very low, in the face of the new situation, the intermediary enterprises especially how to win the consumer market of small and medium-sized enterprises large deposit in the intermediary of opportunities and challenges in production can make consumers satisfied with the product or service, in order to occupy more market share, establish their own competitive advantage for survival and development, will be the primary problem, the real estate intermediary companies to consider so, explore the influence mechanism of real estate intermediary enterprise customer satisfaction, for the real estate intermediary enterprises to develop targeted competitive strategy to improve customer satisfaction, to occupy more market share, improve the market competitiveness of enterprises and intermediary, has important practical significance. Firstly, on the real estate The concept of real estate intermediary, a real estate intermediary function, the current situation of the development of the real estate intermediary enterprises and main problems are analyzed, the real estate intermediary customer structure and customer consumption behavior were studied, and the research on customer satisfaction satisfaction theory at home and abroad are discussed. Secondly, scholars of domestic and foreign research on satisfaction were reviewed, constructs the intermediary enterprise image, customer expectations, intermediary service quality, perceived value, policy adjustment, customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of the real estate intermediary enterprise evaluation index system, based on the theoretical model of the real estate intermediary enterprise customer satisfaction. And the theoretical model of path for hypothesis testing. Finally, the questionnaire to collect the samples were analyzed using the questionnaire SPSS20.0 The reliability and validity test, were analyzed using AMOS20.0 first-order confirmatory factor model of customer satisfaction of the real estate intermediary enterprises, structure model, and the model is modified according to the evaluation model of customer satisfaction results to improve the real estate intermediary enterprise customer satisfaction.



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