本文关键词: 金融服务外包 商业银行绩效 实证分析 出处:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:服务外包出现于上个世纪60年代,但是“外包”(outsourcing)一词却是直到90年代才由西方学者提出。在金融行业竞争愈演愈烈的情况下,服务外包方式慢慢被引用到金融行业,也叫做金融服务外包。金融行业内的外包源于20世纪70年代,在20世纪末快速发展,目前,在现有行业中,全世界金融业的外包规模仅次于制造业。 国内一大批银行,特别是中小规模的商业银行,他们资金来源有限,员工和营业点较少,采用的技术手段及管理机制比较落后,这些客观条件迫使他们在完善金融服务如信贷、投资、理财、租赁等时借助外在力量,即外包来解决。 金融服务外包到底对商业银行绩效水平产生有利影响还是不利影响,有多大程度的影响,这需要进行严格的论证。 本文首先探讨了选题的意义,并进行了文献回顾,明确了相关概念,提出了劳动分工和规模经济理论、交易成本理论、价值链理论、核心竞争力理论和银行再造理论等商业银行进行服务外包的支持理论。其次,介绍了发达国家金融服务外包现状及对我国的启示。接着,阐述了我国商业银行服务外包及绩效评价体系概况,并具体分析了我国银行服务外包发展趋势和目前比较全面的商业银行绩效管理体系。然后根据理论基础建立模型,利用我国十六家上市商业银行2006-2011年6年的服务外包和绩效相关数据,建立面板数据模型,实证分析金融服务外包对商业银行绩效的全面影响。结果表明,由于外包发挥作用存在时滞,商业银行金融服务外包对供应链绩效在短期内有不利影响,长期产生越来越强的正效应;对人力绩效则是起到立竿见影的正效应;外包对风险绩效有轻微的负作用;而金融服务外包对盈利绩效一直产生有利作用,总体上金融服务外包和商业银行绩效成正向变动关系。最后,,通过阐述发展金融服务外包对商业银行的重要意义,展望了我国发展金融服务外包的前景及提出相应的对策。
[Abstract]:Service outsourcing appeared in -40s, but the term "outsourcing" was not proposed by Western scholars until 90s. Service outsourcing is slowly cited to the financial industry, also known as financial services outsourcing. Financial outsourcing originated in 1970s, the end of 20th century rapid development, at present, in the existing industry. The scale of outsourcing in the world's financial sector is second only to manufacturing. A large number of domestic banks, especially small and medium-sized commercial banks, their funding sources are limited, fewer staff and business sites, the use of technical means and management mechanism is relatively backward. These objective conditions force them to improve financial services such as credit, investment, financial management, leasing and other external forces, I. E. outsourcing to solve. The extent of the influence of financial service outsourcing on the performance level of commercial banks needs to be strictly demonstrated. Firstly, this paper discusses the significance of the topic, reviews the literature, clarifies the related concepts, and puts forward the division of labor and scale economy theory, transaction cost theory, value chain theory. The core competitiveness theory and banking reengineering theory of commercial banks for service outsourcing support theory. Secondly, introduced the status of financial services outsourcing in developed countries and the enlightenment to our country. This paper expounds the general situation of service outsourcing and performance evaluation system of commercial banks in China. It also analyzes the development trend of banking service outsourcing in China and the comprehensive performance management system of commercial banks at present. Then the model is established according to the theoretical basis. Based on the data of service outsourcing and performance of 16 listed commercial banks from 2006 to 2011, a panel data model is established. Empirical analysis of the overall impact of financial services outsourcing on the performance of commercial banks. The results show that because of the delay in the role of outsourcing, the financial services outsourcing of commercial banks has a negative impact on the performance of the supply chain in the short term. The long-term positive effect is stronger and stronger; On the other hand, it has an immediate positive effect on human performance. Outsourcing has a slight negative effect on risk performance; And financial service outsourcing has always been beneficial to profit performance. Generally speaking, financial services outsourcing and commercial bank performance have a positive change relationship. Finally. By expounding the importance of developing financial service outsourcing to commercial banks, this paper looks forward to the prospect of developing financial service outsourcing in China and puts forward corresponding countermeasures.
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