本文关键词: 材料品外包 服务外包 生产率 就业 出处:《国际经贸探索》2012年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the data of 42 input-output tables in 1997 / 2002 and 2007, the paper calculates the outsourcing ratio of 22 industries in China. The panel data model is used to test the effect of outsourcing on the employment of labor force and the output of industrial industry. The results show that the development of material outsourcing and service outsourcing has effectively improved the productivity level of industrial industry in China. However, the effect of service outsourcing on industrial productivity is much greater than that on material outsourcing, and the analysis of the effect of outsourcing on industrial employment shows that the effect of service outsourcing on industrial employment is positive and significant. The effect of material outsourcing on industrial employment is not obvious.
【作者单位】: 广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院;
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