本文选题:生产性服务业 + 空间结构 ; 参考:《中国软科学》2013年05期
[Abstract]:Taking Beijing as a case study, based on the large sample enterprise data of basic unit census and economic census, the spatial structure evolution characteristics of producer services are simulated by using inverse distance weighted interpolation method. Then, by using the method of macro policy analysis and micro enterprise survey, the evolution mechanism of spatial structure of producer service industry under the joint action of government and market is discussed. The study shows that the Beijing producer Services single Center from 1996 to 2008, The formation and Evolution of Beijing producer Services Spatial structure: from the Central to the Local level, the market and the government influence the formation and evolution of the spatial structure of producer services in Beijing: 2. The system reform in the field of service industry from the central to the local level. Under the background of economic globalization, the trend of international industrial transfer and the upgrading of capital industrial structure under the background of information technology promote the rapid development of producer services, transportation accessibility, face-to-face contact demand, corporate image and brand effect. Supporting facilities and innovation environment, enterprise development space, land cost or rental price are the main factors of location choice for producer service enterprises, industry types, The differences of enterprise size and nature also have a significant impact on the location choice of enterprises; the government has adopted the reform of urban land use system, the adjustment of urban development principles and policies, and the planning and construction of urban key functional areas. The formation and evolution of the spatial structure of producer services in western metropolis is a spontaneous process under the condition of market economy. Beijing, on the other hand, is a process of interaction between organization and spontaneity under the action of market and government in the transition period. Western enterprise location choice theory is applicable to a certain extent, but affected by government power. In different industries specific location decision must carry on the appropriate revision.
【作者单位】: 国家发展和改革委员会产业经济与技术经济研究所;
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