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发布时间:2018-07-17 08:05
[Abstract]:What is the dynamic mechanism for the agglomeration development of urban producer services in China? From the perspective of urban specialization and diversification, this paper analyzes and expounds the experience of constructing static and dynamic panel models based on the related data of 283 cities at prefectural level and above in China from 2004 to 2013. It turned out that 1: 1. Both from the national point of view and from the sub-regional point of view, the urban producer services cluster development has a self-reinforcing path dependence. As far as urban specialization is concerned, the main source of urban producer service agglomeration in China lies in the improvement of urban specialization level, especially in central and western cities. As far as urban diversification is concerned, there is a significant "U" nonlinear relationship between the level of urban diversification and the concentration of producer services. At present, China is in the stage of increasing the level of diversification and decreasing the level of concentration of producer services. From a sub-regional perspective, the level of urban diversification in eastern China has broken through the inflection point, and the concentration level of producer services has increased with the increase of diversification level, while the diversification level of cities in the central and western regions is still at the inflection point. The agglomeration level of producer services decreased with the increase of diversification level. The different effects of urban specialization and diversification on producer service agglomeration provide new ideas for the choice of urban development path in China, and have important policy implications for regional producer services differentiation and agglomeration.
【作者单位】: 中山大学粤港澳发展研究院、港澳珠江三角洲研究中心、港澳与内地合作发展协同创新中心;中山大学管理学院;
【基金】:打造“理论粤军”重大现实问题招标课题(LLYJ1306) 国家社会科学基金重点项目(12AZD025)


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7 陈Z,




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