[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, tourism demand is growing strongly. Driven by this momentum, international hotel groups continue to increase investment, chain hotels continue to expand the hotel network and land enclosure. At the same time, with the rapid increase in the number of hotels throughout the country, the fierce competition in the market is increasing, the potential supply and demand imbalance, the era of marginal profit has come. Dalian Green City Hotel is one of the enterprises with cross-border innovation and development. The hotel combines the original Chillout Resort with the new The Business Inn to better meet the needs of different segments of the market. However, in the current marketing process, there are still some difficulties such as high competitive pressure, imperfect management system, poor staff base and so on. This paper analyzes the competitive state of the whole industry and the popularity of products and services with the help of Porter's five-force analysis model. Then, using the SWOT analysis method, market segmentation analysis and other related theories and research results of marketing, from the macro and micro levels of the detailed analysis of the opportunities and threats facing the hotel, And objectively identify the advantages and disadvantages of the hotel, so as to clarify the hotel "the middle end of the individual as the main body, middle and low end group customer selection support" marketing target market. On the basis of the analysis of the existing situation, Dalian Green City Hotel formulates the marketing strategy matching with the target market in four aspects: product, price, channel and promotion, and highlights the marketing strategy based on the customer source level. This paper puts forward a series of improvement measures in system and procedure, human resources, finance and so on, which provides guarantee for the effective implementation of marketing strategy. This article hopes to put forward the corresponding marketing strategy and its safeguard measures according to the specific situation of Dalian Green City Hotel, and to promote the improvement of hotel marketing management. And for other hotels to implement effective marketing strategy to provide reference.
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