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发布时间:2018-09-13 13:00
[Abstract]:In recent years, revenue management has attracted more and more attention from hotel managers and academic researchers because of its great contribution to the improvement of hotel revenue and profits. However, due to the late start of hotel industry in China, the existing research on hotel revenue management lags behind the developed countries in terms of quantity and quality. Especially the hotel revenue management performance research is relatively scarce, the only few documents are also from the perspective of perception of managers to measure the performance of hotel revenue management, lack of objectivity. This paper takes the three-star hotel and above (including economy type) hotel as the research object, deeply analyzes the present situation of the application of revenue management in domestic hotels, and probes into the influencing factors of the performance level of the hotel revenue management under the situation of our country. Based on the background of deepening reform and economic transformation in our country, this paper tries to construct a hypothetical model of the influencing factors of the performance level of hotel revenue management in China, based on the research results at home and abroad in the past three decades. Based on the field investigation and data statistics, this paper uses the structural equation model to test and modify the hypothesis model. Finally, according to the conclusion of the study, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the performance of hotel revenue management in China. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the hotel quality attributes include hotel size, star rating, Owner type and management company type have no significant influence on hotel revenue management performance. (2) pricing technology decision and non-pricing technology decision have significant positive influence on hotel revenue management performance. Among them, the impact of pricing technology decision is the strongest, and that of non-pricing type is the weakest. (3) organizational decision factors include organizational support, managers' quality, appraisal incentive and income management training, which have a significant positive impact on performance. (4) organizational decision factors have significant positive correlation with technical decision factors. Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward the following management implications: (1) to strengthen the integration of revenue management concepts and practices; (2) to accelerate the realization of total revenue management; (3) to improve the pricing technology capabilities and adjust marketing strategies immediately; (4) to focus on the non-pricing technical capabilities Attach importance to customer satisfaction; (5) strengthen organizational decision support to promote harmony and progress between people and organizations. The innovation of this paper is that the performance level of hotel revenue management in China is evaluated by financial indicators, and the hypothetical model of influencing factors of hotel revenue management performance in China is constructed, and the structural equation model is used to test and modify the hypothesis model. Compared with previous studies, it is more objective in index selection, more substantial in research content and more scientific in research methods. This study further enriches the research results in the field of hotel revenue management theoretically, accords with the theme of the hotel seeking efficiency improvement at present stage in practice, and has a certain contribution to promote the hotel industry to strengthen the understanding and application of revenue management.


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