发布时间:2018-09-14 08:29
【摘要】:在我国经济发展取得举世瞩目成就的同时,我国制造业也取得了巨大的成就,规模位居世界第一,但在国内资源、能源和环境约束、欧美发达国家再工业化以及世界经济波动情况下,我国制造业面临着巨大的压力,制造业竞争力已经到了必须升级的“时点”,探索如何提升和增强我国制造业竞争力已迫在眉睫。而与制造业唇齿相联的生产性服务业迅速发展,为制造业竞争力的提升‘带来生机和正能量,鉴于此,对于制造业竞争力的研究不能仅局限于制造业本身,必须将其与生产性服务业的内在联系这一着力点来研究。基于此,本文尝试解答以下问题:我国服务业发展提升制造业竞争力的作用如何?我国生产性服务业发展的主要影响因素有哪些?如何更好地促进生产性服务业的发展?生产性服务业增强制造业竞争力的有效途径是什么?我国生产性服务业与制造业的融合水平如何? 本文首先在总结国内外相关研究的基础上,根据我国生产性服务业和制造业的发展现状和特点,合理界定生产性服务业外延和制造业竞争力内涵,确定我国制造业竞争力衡量指标并定量计算,从地区和行业层面实证分析我国生产性服务业提升制造业竞争力的作用;其次,从影响生产性服务业需求和供给的角度,分析产业融合对生产性服务业发展的作用,实证分析我国生产性服务业发展的影响因素;然后,从产业融合的视角,理论分析生产性服务业增强制造业竞争力过程,以价值链理论为基础,探索生产性服务业与制造业融合过程模型和融合效应,分析生产性服务业与制造业融合动力和融合模式;最后,根据我国投入产出表,从行业和地区层面测算我国生产性服务业与制造业融合水平。研究结果发现: 1、我国生产性服务业发展对制造竞争力提升已呈现显著的促进作用。在细分行业中,交通运输、仓储和邮政业对制造业竞争力的促进作用最大,科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业促进作用不显著,这与我国目前制造业粗放式发展以及生产性服务业内部结构相关。从区域层面看,东部地区生产性服务业发展是制造业竞争力提升最为重要的因素,中西部地区则具有一定的促进作用。从生产性服务业发展对不同类型制造业竞争力的作用看,生产性服务业发展对劳动密集型、资本密集型以及技术密集型制造业竞争力均有程度不同的促进作用,对资本密集型制造业作用最为显著,对技术密集型制造业作用最弱。 2、在我国目前发展阶段,工业化程度对我国整体生产性服务业发展影响最大。专业化分工深化和生产性服务业服务效率的提升将促进我国生产性服务业发展。产业融合对我国生产性服务业发展具有促进作用。政府规模与生产性服务业发展呈正相关。制造业集聚在全国层面和东部地区促进生产性服务业发展,而在中西部地区则阻碍了生产性服务业发展。对外开放程度对东部地区生产性服务业发展作用显著,而对全国层面和中西部地区生产性服务业发展作用不明显。这些因素对生产性服务业细分行业的影响存在一定差异。 3、产业融合是生产性服务业增强制造业竞争力的有效途径。生产性服务业与制造业价值链环节上活动的相互渗透、延伸和重组,是生产性服务业与制造业融合发展的反映。生产性服务业与制造业融合过程实质是价值链分解和重构整合的过程。生产性服务业与制造业价值链基本活动的融合,将超越市场交换关系中价格体系所起的作用实现潜在的规模经济效应,在创造出更高顾客价值的基础上获得企业经济绩效的增长,提高基本生产运营效率。生产性服务业与制造业价值链辅助活动的融合,将提高专业化水平,充分发挥分工带来的专业化经济效应,同时进一步提高规模递增的经济效果,改善资源配置效率。因此,生产性服务业与制造业融合将通过提高制造业的生产运营效率和优化资源配置效率,从而增强制造业竞争力。 4、我国生产性服务业与制造业融合水平较低,没能有效发挥产业融合促进生产性服务业发展和增强制造业竞争力的作用。生产性服务业与制造业各细分行业之间的融合度很低且行业间相差非常大,石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业与生产性服务业融合水平最高,有色金属冶炼及压延加工业与生产性服务业融合水平最低。从生产性服务业细分行业与制造业各行业平均融合水平来看,高端生产性服务业与制造业融合水平很低,传统生产性服务业融合水平相对较高,且行业间相差很大。生产性服务业整体与资本密集型制造业融合水平最高,与劳动密集型制造业融合水平最低。从地区来看,北京生产性服务业与制造业融合水平最高,远高于其它省市(自治区)和全国平均融合水平,各省市(自治区)间的融合水平差异较大,也呈现出各自的特点。从区域层面来看,东部地区生产性服务业与制造业融合水平最高,西部地区的融合水平其次,中部地区的融合水平最低。 本文根据以上研究结论,提出以下政策建议:一是制定合理的促进产业融合和产业发展政策。二是构建良好的生产性服务业与制造业融合发展机制与环境。三是建立科学合理的准入制度,形成有效的市场运行机制。四是完善人力资本培养机制,提升生产性服务业人力资本。 本文的创新主要有以下四点:一是从制造业全要素生产率的角度衡量制造业竞争力。二是从影响生产性服务业发展的需求和供给角度提出相应的理论假设,且考虑了在以往研究中较少关注的一个重要的因素——产业融合。三是以价值链为视角,分析生产性服务业与制造业的融合过程模型、融合效应以及融合模式。四是从行业和地区层面测算我国生产性服务业与制造业的融合水平。 本文还存在一定的不足需进一步努力:一是理论分析生产性服务业与制造业融合促进制造业竞争力的提升,但这需要在实践中去检验。二是需要在以后的研究中不断探索新方法完善产业融合的测算,以期进行微观层面的分析。
[Abstract]:While China's economic development has made remarkable achievements, China's manufacturing industry has also made tremendous achievements, ranking first in the world in scale. However, under the conditions of domestic resources, energy and environmental constraints, re-industrialization of developed countries in Europe and the United States, and fluctuations in the world economy, China's manufacturing industry is facing tremendous pressure, manufacturing competitiveness has already arrived. It is imminent to explore how to enhance and enhance the competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry. The rapid development of producer services related to manufacturing industry has brought vitality and positive energy to the promotion of manufacturing competitiveness. Based on this, this paper tries to answer the following questions: how does the development of service industry improve the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in china? What are the main factors affecting the development of producer services in china? How to better promote the development of producer services? What is the effective way to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry? What is the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industry in China?
Firstly, on the basis of summarizing the relevant research at home and abroad, this paper defines the extension of producer services and the connotation of manufacturing competitiveness rationally according to the development status and characteristics of producer services and manufacturing industry in China, determines the measurement index of manufacturing competitiveness in China and calculates it quantitatively, and makes an empirical analysis of China's productive clothing from the regional and industrial levels. Secondly, from the perspective of influencing the demand and supply of producer services, this paper analyzes the role of industrial convergence on the development of producer services, and empirically analyzes the influencing factors of the development of producer services in China. Then, from the perspective of industrial convergence, it theoretically analyzes the role of producer services in enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. Force process, based on the value chain theory, explores the integration process model and integration effect of producer services and manufacturing industries, analyzes the integration power and integration model of producer services and manufacturing industries; finally, according to China's input-output table, estimates the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industries from the industrial and regional levels. Fruit found:
1. The development of China's producer services has played a significant role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. Transportation, warehousing and postal services play the most important role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in the subdivided industries, while scientific research, technical services and geological prospecting have no significant role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. From the regional perspective, the development of producer services in the eastern region is the most important factor to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry, while the central and western regions have a certain role in promoting it. The competitiveness of capital-intensive and technology-intensive manufacturing industries is promoted to varying degrees, and the most significant role is capital-intensive manufacturing, but the weakest role is technology-intensive manufacturing.
2. At the present stage of China's development, the degree of industrialization has the greatest impact on the overall development of China's producer services. Deepening the division of labor and improving the efficiency of producer services will promote the development of China's producer services. Manufacturing agglomeration promotes the development of producer services at the national level and in the eastern region, but hinders the development of producer services in the central and Western regions. These factors have certain effects on the subdivision of producer services.
3. Industrial integration is an effective way to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. The mutual penetration, extension and reorganization of activities in the value chain between producer services and manufacturing industry are the reflection of the integration of producer services and manufacturing industry. The integration of basic activities of producer services and manufacturing value chains will transcend the role of price system in market exchange relations and realize potential economies of scale, achieve the growth of enterprise economic performance on the basis of creating higher customer value, and improve the efficiency of basic production and operation. The integration of ancillary activities in the value chain will raise the level of specialization, give full play to the economic effects of specialization brought about by division of labor, and further enhance the economic effects of increasing scale and improve the efficiency of resource allocation. And enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry.
4. The level of integration between producer services and manufacturing industry in China is low, which can not play an effective role in promoting the development of producer services and enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. The convergence level of producer services is the highest, and that of non-ferrous metals smelting, calendering and manufacturing industries is the lowest. The level of integration between producer services and capital-intensive manufacturing is the highest, and that between producer services and labor-intensive manufacturing is the lowest. From the regional level, the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industry in the eastern region is the highest, the integration level in the western region is the second, and the integration level in the central region is the lowest.
Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward the following policy recommendations: first, formulate reasonable policies to promote industrial integration and industrial development; second, build a good mechanism and environment for the integration and development of producer services and manufacturing industries; third, establish a scientific and reasonable access system to form an effective market operation mechanism; fourth, improve human capital training. Raising mechanism to enhance human capital in producer services.
The innovation of this paper mainly includes the following four points: firstly, the competitiveness of manufacturing industry is measured from the perspective of total factor productivity of manufacturing industry; secondly, the corresponding theoretical hypothesis is put forward from the perspective of demand and supply which affect the development of producer services, and an important factor which has been paid less attention in the past research is taken into account - Industrial integration. From the perspective of value chain, this paper analyzes the integration process model, integration effect and integration mode of producer services and manufacturing industries. Fourthly, it calculates the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industries from the industrial and regional levels.
There are still some deficiencies in this paper, which need further efforts. First, theoretical analysis of the integration of producer services and manufacturing industry to promote the competitiveness of manufacturing industry, but this needs to be tested in practice. Second, we need to continue to explore new methods to improve the measurement of industrial integration in future research, with a view to micro-level analysis.
[Abstract]:While China's economic development has made remarkable achievements, China's manufacturing industry has also made tremendous achievements, ranking first in the world in scale. However, under the conditions of domestic resources, energy and environmental constraints, re-industrialization of developed countries in Europe and the United States, and fluctuations in the world economy, China's manufacturing industry is facing tremendous pressure, manufacturing competitiveness has already arrived. It is imminent to explore how to enhance and enhance the competitiveness of China's manufacturing industry. The rapid development of producer services related to manufacturing industry has brought vitality and positive energy to the promotion of manufacturing competitiveness. Based on this, this paper tries to answer the following questions: how does the development of service industry improve the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in china? What are the main factors affecting the development of producer services in china? How to better promote the development of producer services? What is the effective way to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry? What is the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industry in China?
Firstly, on the basis of summarizing the relevant research at home and abroad, this paper defines the extension of producer services and the connotation of manufacturing competitiveness rationally according to the development status and characteristics of producer services and manufacturing industry in China, determines the measurement index of manufacturing competitiveness in China and calculates it quantitatively, and makes an empirical analysis of China's productive clothing from the regional and industrial levels. Secondly, from the perspective of influencing the demand and supply of producer services, this paper analyzes the role of industrial convergence on the development of producer services, and empirically analyzes the influencing factors of the development of producer services in China. Then, from the perspective of industrial convergence, it theoretically analyzes the role of producer services in enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. Force process, based on the value chain theory, explores the integration process model and integration effect of producer services and manufacturing industries, analyzes the integration power and integration model of producer services and manufacturing industries; finally, according to China's input-output table, estimates the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industries from the industrial and regional levels. Fruit found:
1. The development of China's producer services has played a significant role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. Transportation, warehousing and postal services play the most important role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry in the subdivided industries, while scientific research, technical services and geological prospecting have no significant role in promoting the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. From the regional perspective, the development of producer services in the eastern region is the most important factor to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry, while the central and western regions have a certain role in promoting it. The competitiveness of capital-intensive and technology-intensive manufacturing industries is promoted to varying degrees, and the most significant role is capital-intensive manufacturing, but the weakest role is technology-intensive manufacturing.
2. At the present stage of China's development, the degree of industrialization has the greatest impact on the overall development of China's producer services. Deepening the division of labor and improving the efficiency of producer services will promote the development of China's producer services. Manufacturing agglomeration promotes the development of producer services at the national level and in the eastern region, but hinders the development of producer services in the central and Western regions. These factors have certain effects on the subdivision of producer services.
3. Industrial integration is an effective way to enhance the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. The mutual penetration, extension and reorganization of activities in the value chain between producer services and manufacturing industry are the reflection of the integration of producer services and manufacturing industry. The integration of basic activities of producer services and manufacturing value chains will transcend the role of price system in market exchange relations and realize potential economies of scale, achieve the growth of enterprise economic performance on the basis of creating higher customer value, and improve the efficiency of basic production and operation. The integration of ancillary activities in the value chain will raise the level of specialization, give full play to the economic effects of specialization brought about by division of labor, and further enhance the economic effects of increasing scale and improve the efficiency of resource allocation. And enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry.
4. The level of integration between producer services and manufacturing industry in China is low, which can not play an effective role in promoting the development of producer services and enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing industry. The convergence level of producer services is the highest, and that of non-ferrous metals smelting, calendering and manufacturing industries is the lowest. The level of integration between producer services and capital-intensive manufacturing is the highest, and that between producer services and labor-intensive manufacturing is the lowest. From the regional level, the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industry in the eastern region is the highest, the integration level in the western region is the second, and the integration level in the central region is the lowest.
Based on the above conclusions, this paper puts forward the following policy recommendations: first, formulate reasonable policies to promote industrial integration and industrial development; second, build a good mechanism and environment for the integration and development of producer services and manufacturing industries; third, establish a scientific and reasonable access system to form an effective market operation mechanism; fourth, improve human capital training. Raising mechanism to enhance human capital in producer services.
The innovation of this paper mainly includes the following four points: firstly, the competitiveness of manufacturing industry is measured from the perspective of total factor productivity of manufacturing industry; secondly, the corresponding theoretical hypothesis is put forward from the perspective of demand and supply which affect the development of producer services, and an important factor which has been paid less attention in the past research is taken into account - Industrial integration. From the perspective of value chain, this paper analyzes the integration process model, integration effect and integration mode of producer services and manufacturing industries. Fourthly, it calculates the integration level of producer services and manufacturing industries from the industrial and regional levels.
There are still some deficiencies in this paper, which need further efforts. First, theoretical analysis of the integration of producer services and manufacturing industry to promote the competitiveness of manufacturing industry, but this needs to be tested in practice. Second, we need to continue to explore new methods to improve the measurement of industrial integration in future research, with a view to micro-level analysis.
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