[Abstract]:According to the name of the caf 茅, the Hartrick Cafe will work with the football theme, so it comes from the "Hartrick" in a football match, which means a footballer plays three points in a game. Therefore, the choice of name will focus on the theme of the coffee shop and the target market. In this caf 茅, the Hartrick Cafe will serve local food and western food that will accompany each customer who wants to spend time or watch a football match with their friends. This business has not yet been implemented, but will soon be implemented and established by Denny as the owner. In the process, the Hartrick Cafe plans to rent a place in Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta. Hartwick Cafe chose this place because Pantai Indah Kapuk is a very famous place, whether from Jakarta or outside, now this place is one of the recommended places to visit. So by setting up a Hartwick coffee shop in this place, especially for every customer who wants to talk or watch a football game, the Hartrick Cafe wants to be able to meet the needs of its customers. Hartwick Coffee Shop also offers better quality and facilities to improve sales and provide a good atmosphere that allows customers to feel comfortable and spend time sitting in the coffee shop and tasting gourmet food. The Hartwick Cafe will provide a wireless network because it learned this century that technology is developing so fast that everyone needs to access the Internet, so Wi-Fi is a must for every cafe. Then, Hartwick Cafe will offer fun and sporting entertainment, such as darts, so customers don't feel bored. Since not everyone comes to Hartwick Coffee Shop to watch football games, other entertainment needs to be offered to attract customers. The Hartwick Cafe offers a large screen that provides live broadcast of the football match every time, making it more comfortable and convenient for the customer to watch the football match. Hartwick Coffee Shop believes that customers will be well served, equipped with complete facilities and affordable. Hartwick Cafe wants customers to feel the different experiences from the Hartwick Cafe. The business plan will run for six years from 2017 to 2022, with financial projections on the attachment pages. The plan is to fund Rp764473750.00, 's assumption that raw materials will grow by 5% a year, and that the Hartwick Coffee Shop will increase the price menu provided every two years. The business's return period or payback period is 2 years and 7 months, the internal rate of return is about 36.
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