发布时间:2018-10-25 12:03
【摘要】:当前经济全球化正在进入新的发展阶段,全球经济结构的调整和产业的重组使得全球产业从制造业向服务业转移,服务业外包成为服务业全球化发展的重要趋势。在我国的服务外包市场中,国内企业更多地扮演着接包方的角色,它们由于没有成熟的管理和实践经验可以借鉴,通常缺乏一个标准化,规范化的运作流程,服务质量就成为限制外包企业发展壮大的瓶颈。基于此,本文从接包方的角度出发,找出影响业务流程服务质量的各种因素,并且理清各因素相互间的影响机理,从而不断规范、完善业务流程,提高业务流程服务质量。 论文主要做了以下几个方面的工作:1.通过文献研究,规范分析BPO服务质量的涵义和特点,从理论层面提出了若干BPO服务质量的影响因素,并将其分别细化为一系列测量指标,形成BPO服务质量调查问卷;2.建立BPO服务质量的影响因素模型并提出假设;3.发放调查问卷,收集整理数据,并进行信度和效度检验,利用统计软件SPSS和LISREL分析和验证BPO服务质量模型,得出结论;4.提出提高BPO服务质量的几点建议。 通过上述的研究工作,论文获得的主要研究结论有:1.BPO服务质量是受多个因素影响的,主要有质量控制标准,作业过程控制,员工培训与管理,问题纠正与抱怨处理,基础平台设施建设,这些因素对BPO服务质量都起着直接或间接的影响,其中作业过程控制、员工培训管理、平台设施建设与BPO服务质量之间存在直接影响,而质量控制标准和问题纠正与抱怨处理通过对作业过程的影响从而对BPO服务质量起到间接影响作用。2.质量标准控制对作业过程起决定作用,路径系数为0.64,间接对BPO服务质量产生影响,总的路径系数达到了0.80;其次是问题纠正与抱怨处理,对BPO服务质量的总体影响路径系数是0.42;员工培训与管理水平直接决定了员工队伍的总体素质,对BPO服务质量产生直接影响,路径系数是0.32;基础平台设施建设是BPO作业顺利进行的保障,对BPO服务质量产生直接影响,路径系数是0.41。
[Abstract]:At present, economic globalization is entering a new stage of development. With the adjustment of global economic structure and the reorganization of industry, the global industry is transferred from manufacturing to service industry. Service outsourcing has become an important trend in the development of service industry globalization. In the service outsourcing market of our country, domestic enterprises play the role of contractor more, because they do not have mature management and practical experience to learn from, usually lack of a standardized, standardized operation process. Service quality has become a bottleneck restricting the development and growth of outsourcing enterprises. Based on this, this paper finds out the factors that affect the service quality of the business process from the point of view of the contractor, and clarifies the influencing mechanism among the factors, so as to standardize and perfect the business process and improve the service quality of the business process. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. Through literature research, this paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of BPO service quality, puts forward some influencing factors of BPO service quality from the theoretical level, and classifies it into a series of measurement indicators to form a BPO service quality questionnaire; 2. The influence factor model of BPO service quality is established and hypotheses are put forward. 3. The questionnaire was distributed, the data was collected and collated, the reliability and validity were tested, the BPO service quality model was analyzed and verified by SPSS and LISREL, and the conclusion was drawn. 4. Some suggestions for improving BPO service quality are put forward. Through the above research work, the main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1.BPO service quality is affected by many factors, such as quality control standard, job process control, staff training and management, problem correction and complaint handling, etc. These factors have a direct or indirect effect on BPO service quality, including job process control, employee training management, platform facilities construction and BPO service quality. The quality control standards and problem correction and complaint handling indirectly affect the BPO service quality through the impact on the job process. 2. The quality standard control plays a decisive role in the operation process, the path coefficient is 0.64, which indirectly affects the BPO service quality, and the total path coefficient reaches 0.80. The second is problem correction and complaint handling. The overall influence path coefficient on BPO service quality is 0.42.The training and management level of the staff directly determines the overall quality of the staff, and has a direct impact on the BPO service quality, the path coefficient is 0.32. The construction of infrastructure is the guarantee of BPO operation, which has a direct impact on the quality of BPO service. The path coefficient is 0.41.
[Abstract]:At present, economic globalization is entering a new stage of development. With the adjustment of global economic structure and the reorganization of industry, the global industry is transferred from manufacturing to service industry. Service outsourcing has become an important trend in the development of service industry globalization. In the service outsourcing market of our country, domestic enterprises play the role of contractor more, because they do not have mature management and practical experience to learn from, usually lack of a standardized, standardized operation process. Service quality has become a bottleneck restricting the development and growth of outsourcing enterprises. Based on this, this paper finds out the factors that affect the service quality of the business process from the point of view of the contractor, and clarifies the influencing mechanism among the factors, so as to standardize and perfect the business process and improve the service quality of the business process. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. Through literature research, this paper analyzes the meaning and characteristics of BPO service quality, puts forward some influencing factors of BPO service quality from the theoretical level, and classifies it into a series of measurement indicators to form a BPO service quality questionnaire; 2. The influence factor model of BPO service quality is established and hypotheses are put forward. 3. The questionnaire was distributed, the data was collected and collated, the reliability and validity were tested, the BPO service quality model was analyzed and verified by SPSS and LISREL, and the conclusion was drawn. 4. Some suggestions for improving BPO service quality are put forward. Through the above research work, the main conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1.BPO service quality is affected by many factors, such as quality control standard, job process control, staff training and management, problem correction and complaint handling, etc. These factors have a direct or indirect effect on BPO service quality, including job process control, employee training management, platform facilities construction and BPO service quality. The quality control standards and problem correction and complaint handling indirectly affect the BPO service quality through the impact on the job process. 2. The quality standard control plays a decisive role in the operation process, the path coefficient is 0.64, which indirectly affects the BPO service quality, and the total path coefficient reaches 0.80. The second is problem correction and complaint handling. The overall influence path coefficient on BPO service quality is 0.42.The training and management level of the staff directly determines the overall quality of the staff, and has a direct impact on the BPO service quality, the path coefficient is 0.32. The construction of infrastructure is the guarantee of BPO operation, which has a direct impact on the quality of BPO service. The path coefficient is 0.41.
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