[Abstract]:Producer service has gradually become a fast developing sector in the national economy. There is an interactive relationship between producer service and manufacturing industry. They depend on each other and promote each other to form a closely related relationship. The study of market-oriented theory is still in the stage of continuous development and gradual improvement. Scholars have studied the definition of market-oriented concept, measurement methods and the relationship between market orientation and enterprise performance. Cultivating market orientation has become the first prerequisite for enterprises to enhance their own competitive advantage and maximize customer value. The research on the relationship between market orientation and enterprise performance has gradually become the focus. Scholars have constructed different relational models by introducing intermediary variables. However, the research rarely specifically examines the different execution dynamics of enterprises at all levels of market orientation. Therefore, the study of market-oriented implementation of the specific mode of practical significance. Based on the research results of scholars, this paper introduces environmental uncertainty as a buffer variable into the relationship model between market-oriented execution model and firm performance. In the process of investigation, the producer service industry in Liaoning Province was regarded as the research object, and 196 enterprises were investigated by questionnaire. Cluster analysis was carried out to explore the relationship between different market oriented execution models and firm performance. The research results show that there are two different market oriented execution modes in producer service industry in Liaoning province, namely, comprehensive market oriented execution mode and competitive oriented execution mode. Market oriented execution mode has significant influence on enterprise financial performance and market performance, market competition has significant influence on market oriented execution mode in environmental uncertainty. However, there is no significant influence on the market-oriented execution mode by technological change. The enterprise characteristic variable has significant influence on the market oriented execution mode. According to the conclusion of the research, the corresponding management suggestions are put forward. In order to improve the enterprise performance, producer service enterprises should set up the concept of market orientation and attach importance to the implementation mode of market orientation in order to enhance their competitive advantage.
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