发布时间:2018-11-15 17:47
【摘要】:随着市场机制的不断完善,酒店市场从20世纪八十年代的供不应求的卖方市场转向了九十年代的供求基本平衡的局面,目前更转向了供过于求为主要特征的买方市场,微利时代已经悄然而至。2005年前,神华国际大酒店作为包头市唯一的一家五星级酒店在当地的地位是独一无二的,几乎独揽了包头市的高端客房消费市场。随着海德假日酒店、香格里拉国际大酒店的相继开业以及周边各种商务酒店和快捷酒店的不断涌起,酒店迅速的增长增加了市场竞争的激烈性,给神华国际大酒店带来了前所未有的挑战。神华国际大酒店如何在酒店的服务营销管理方面做出自己的品质和差异化是摆在神华国际大酒店面前的一个重要的课题。 本文首先分析了神华国际大酒店面临的宏微观环境,得出包头经济和旅游业的高速发展必然带动本地区酒店业的高速发展,但是包头地区近几年其他大型酒店的迅速增长给神华国际大酒店的发展带来了极大的挑战。其次,通过分析神华酒店的经营状况以及优劣势,得出神华国际大酒店必须及时调整销售策略,优化组合产品并同时提高软、硬件能力,制定出正确的经营策略,建立现代的管理体系,实施适时的营销策略是神华国际大酒店的当务之急。最后,针对神华国际大酒店现有的营销策略面临的问题,提出了酒店营销应该采取的相关策略。 希望通过本论文的研究能够厘清神华国际大酒店在激烈的市场竞争中所面临的严峻形势,找出一条解决神华国际大酒店在服务营销管理方面的可行的道路。同时也为酒店服务营销管理研究提供一个较为典型的案例。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the market mechanism, the hotel market has changed from a seller's market in the 1980s to a basically balanced supply and demand situation in the 1990s, and has now turned to a buyer's market characterized by oversupply. Before 2005, Shenhua International Hotel, as the only five-star hotel in Baotou City, had a unique position in the local market, almost dominating the high-end guest room consumer market in Baotou City. With the opening of the Hyde Holiday Inn, the Shangri-La International Hotel and the continuous surge of various The Business Inn and Express Hotel surrounding hotels, the rapid growth of the hotels has increased the intensity of market competition. Shenhua International Hotel has brought unprecedented challenges. How to make its own quality and differentiation in the service marketing management of Shenhua International Hotel is an important subject in front of Shenhua International Hotel. This paper first analyzes the macro and micro environment that Shenhua International Hotel is facing, and concludes that the rapid development of Baotou economy and tourism will inevitably lead to the rapid development of the hotel industry in the region. However, the rapid growth of other large hotels in Baotou area in recent years has brought great challenges to the development of Shenhua International Hotel. Secondly, by analyzing the operating conditions and advantages and disadvantages of Shenhua Hotel, it is concluded that Shenhua International Hotel must adjust its sales strategy in time, optimize the combination of products, and at the same time improve the ability of software and hardware to formulate the correct management strategy. It is urgent for Shenhua International Hotel to establish modern management system and implement timely marketing strategy. Finally, in view of the problems faced by Shenhua International Hotel's current marketing strategy, this paper puts forward the relevant strategies that should be adopted in hotel marketing. It is hoped that the research in this paper can clarify the severe situation that Shenhua International Hotel faces in the fierce market competition and find a feasible way to solve the service marketing management of Shenhua International Hotel. At the same time, it also provides a typical case for the study of hotel service marketing management.
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the market mechanism, the hotel market has changed from a seller's market in the 1980s to a basically balanced supply and demand situation in the 1990s, and has now turned to a buyer's market characterized by oversupply. Before 2005, Shenhua International Hotel, as the only five-star hotel in Baotou City, had a unique position in the local market, almost dominating the high-end guest room consumer market in Baotou City. With the opening of the Hyde Holiday Inn, the Shangri-La International Hotel and the continuous surge of various The Business Inn and Express Hotel surrounding hotels, the rapid growth of the hotels has increased the intensity of market competition. Shenhua International Hotel has brought unprecedented challenges. How to make its own quality and differentiation in the service marketing management of Shenhua International Hotel is an important subject in front of Shenhua International Hotel. This paper first analyzes the macro and micro environment that Shenhua International Hotel is facing, and concludes that the rapid development of Baotou economy and tourism will inevitably lead to the rapid development of the hotel industry in the region. However, the rapid growth of other large hotels in Baotou area in recent years has brought great challenges to the development of Shenhua International Hotel. Secondly, by analyzing the operating conditions and advantages and disadvantages of Shenhua Hotel, it is concluded that Shenhua International Hotel must adjust its sales strategy in time, optimize the combination of products, and at the same time improve the ability of software and hardware to formulate the correct management strategy. It is urgent for Shenhua International Hotel to establish modern management system and implement timely marketing strategy. Finally, in view of the problems faced by Shenhua International Hotel's current marketing strategy, this paper puts forward the relevant strategies that should be adopted in hotel marketing. It is hoped that the research in this paper can clarify the severe situation that Shenhua International Hotel faces in the fierce market competition and find a feasible way to solve the service marketing management of Shenhua International Hotel. At the same time, it also provides a typical case for the study of hotel service marketing management.
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