[Abstract]:At present, the industrial structure of our country presents the characteristic of middle and low end, and it is urgent to step forward to the middle-high-end through the transition. The historical experience of developed countries shows that promoting the rapid development of producer services contributes to the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and the sustainable development of the economy as a whole. Therefore, promoting the rapid development of producer services has become an inevitable choice and key measures for our country to seek leapfrogging development. At present, there are still many problems in our country, such as low total amount, slow growth rate, unbalanced development between high-end producer service and traditional producer service, insufficient innovation ability of technology, management model and business process, etc. In addition to the influence of industrial policy in the last century, the unreasonable institutional factors in reality have seriously restricted its rapid development. At present, scholars at home and abroad have deeply studied the role of technology progress, human capital, urbanization level and industrialization level in producer services, but the role of institution in the process has not been paid enough attention to. Based on this, this paper tries to analyze the role of institution in the development of producer services from the perspective of institution. This paper first defines the relevant concepts, in which, in the study of the scope of the system, in addition to the consideration of economic systems, but also combined with the characteristics of the industry to select the intellectual property system. Secondly, the influence factors of producer services and the role of institution in the development of producer services are reviewed and sorted from two aspects: non-institutional factors and institutional factors. On this basis, combined with its industrial characteristics and development reasons, this paper explains its characteristics of institutional denseness, and makes a general analysis of the mechanism of institutional impact on its development. At the same time, it also makes a general analysis of the mechanism of institutional impact on its development. This paper analyzes the specific path of the impact of various systems on the development of this industry. Then, the paper gives a descriptive analysis of the present situation of producer service system in China. Finally, taking the data of 30 provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) except Tibet Autonomous region as samples from 2006 to 2013, the paper makes an empirical test on the role of institution in the development of producer services, and finds that in the development of producer services, marketization is the key to the development of producer services. Opening to the outside world, financial system and intellectual property system play a positive role, but different from these systems, the tax system has a negative effect. In terms of the influence of various systems, the financial system plays the most important role, followed by the intellectual property system, marketization, opening to the outside world and tax system. The influence of each system on the producer service industry in the east, middle and west regions is also different, which is related to the characteristics of each region. Based on this, this paper puts forward some suggestions on actively promoting the market-oriented reform of producer services, expanding their opening to the outside world, perfecting, implementing the relevant fiscal and tax systems and perfecting the intellectual property protection system.
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