[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the overall development characteristics of China's service industry, this paper evaluates the international competitiveness of our country's service industry, and makes a commitment to open and true openness. It is found that although the service industry plays an important role in driving and supporting our national economy in recent years, the development level of our service industry is still relatively low, and the international competitiveness does not match with the scale of development. The study also found that China is not only far below the level of developed countries in terms of the friendliness of preferential trade arrangements and trade policies formulated, but also in a relatively backward situation compared with developing economies. The true opening level of China's service industry is relatively low. Expanding the opening up is an important strategic measure to improve the development quality and international competitiveness of China's service industry. It is suggested that the scope of our service industry's opening to the outside world should be further expanded during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and the new fields and measures of the service industry's opening to the outside world should be actively explored.
【作者单位】: 国务院发展研究中心办公厅;国务院发展研究中心对外经济研究部;
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