[Abstract]:Hotel security has attracted more and more attention from industry and academic circles. The construction of hotel safety evaluation system from the perspective of customers not only expands and extends the theoretical content of hotel safety research, but also promotes the implementation of hotel safety management, and helps to promote and promote the level of hotel safety service. The research combined with literature analysis, interviews, field research and other methods to construct hotel safety evaluation system, and use factor analysis to verify the rationality of the index system. At the same time, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used to evaluate the hotel security, and the customer safety perception of different levels of hotel is analyzed. In the stage of theoretical research, this paper makes a systematic exposition of hotel safety evaluation by means of literature review, starting from four structural dimensions: hotel personnel safety, facility and equipment safety, environmental safety and safety management. The influencing factors of hotel safety assessment are determined, and then the index of hotel safety evaluation from the perspective of customer interview and expert interview is improved. At the same time, descriptive analysis, sample reliability analysis and validity analysis are used to verify the reliability of sample data and the integrity and science of hotel safety evaluation system structure. In the stage of empirical evaluation, the research focuses on two issues: hotel safety evaluation index weight setting and customer safety perception evaluation. Firstly, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the judgement matrix of hotel safety evaluation index, and the weight vector of the index is calculated by matlab software, and the consistency test is carried out to obtain the weight of hotel safety evaluation factor. Secondly, this paper makes a comparative study of customer safety perception differences from different levels of hotels. It is found that the higher the hotel star level, the better the customer's perceived security service. (2) the finer the hotel security service is, the more easily the professional hotel security service can meet the customer's safety needs. At the same time, through the case study, it can be seen that the hotel safety evaluation system designed by the Institute is universal, not only for the hotel industry, but also for the study of the safety evaluation of a single hotel.
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