本文关键词:基于集团管控的H集团组织模式研究 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, through the analysis of enterprise organization model of group control theory and design method based on H for group based on the current existing organization mode of group control problems, put forward a design scheme based on H organization model of group control group, and the implementation of the scheme and security measures, and the H group following the development model of the control group based on the forecast. This article focuses on the existing property relations of H group and the requirements of developing strategic objectives to improve the operation efficiency of enterprises. It divides H business units into different types and selects different management modes, and then designs different functional positioning and organizational structure. First, based on the analysis of the key indicators of H group's business, the H group's management and control mode is designed to include three types of management and control mode, including operation control, strategic control and financial control. Secondly, based on the management and control model of H group, the function orientation of H group is designed as the differential function positioning between the group headquarters and the different business units. Finally, based on the management and control mode and function orientation of H group's business, the H group's organizational structure is designed as a combined organizational structure including two types of organizational structure, namely, business unit system and subsidiary company system. Based on the above design, the H group based on group management and control mode is designed as a comprehensive group management and control mode, differentiated group function positioning and combined group organization structure. On the implementation and safeguard measures of the plan, the first is to adjust the organization structure so as to achieve the design of the overall organizational structure of H group, the design of H group headquarters organizational structure, and the corresponding relationship between the functional departments and core management functions of H group headquarters. Two is to carry out personnel adjustment, in accordance with the positive and stable principle, to promote the realization of "business with the organization, personnel with business". The three is to take safeguard measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the program from the aspects of organization, work and thought. In the practice of management, the organization model of enterprise groups are presented in the form of integrated, visible, organization pattern should not mechanically apply a stereotype, but should be based on different characteristics of each of the main strategies for the implementation of the organization mode, choose the most suitable, to achieve effective integration and optimal allocation of enterprise internal resources, improve the group system the overall operating efficiency and operating efficiency, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the enterprise group.
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