本文选题:环境技术创新 + 环境政策 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the rapid development of our economy has attracted the attention of the world, but it has also caused a series of problems to the ecological environment of our country, including environmental pollution and shortage of resources. Nowadays, the secondary industry still occupies a large proportion in our country, and the development of industry is still the main motive source to promote the economic growth of our country. However, the rapid development of industrial enterprises also brings a series of environmental problems at the same time. Environmental technological innovation is the key to solve these problems. Reasonable environmental policy can effectively encourage enterprises to carry out environmental technological innovation. In this paper, under the circumstance of information symmetry and asymmetry, the game relationship between government and enterprise environmental technological innovation behavior under environmental regulation is studied by establishing game model. The difference of rational level in environmental technological innovation and the difference of behavior choice between them are analyzed. The results show that by changing the incentive strategy, the government can not only change the effort level of environmental technological innovation, but also solve the problem of information asymmetry by means of supervision, so as to realize the win-win situation between government and enterprise. This paper discusses in detail the meaning, characteristics and types of environmental technology innovation and environmental policy, and establishes panel data model, and collects 30 provinces and municipalities in China from 2006 to 2012 on the basis of empirical evidence. The variables of the autonomous region were regressed and the results were analyzed. In the empirical analysis, the environmental technological innovation of industrial enterprises in China is taken as the explained variable, and the policy effect is deeply studied through the econometric model. Finally, through the analysis of the research results, this paper draws some conclusions and puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations to stimulate the environmental technological innovation of industrial enterprises in China. It provides an effective reference for our country to formulate and implement the environmental policy of encouraging environmental technology innovation in the industrial level in the future.
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