[Abstract]:With the deepening of the electric power system reform and the continuous change of the operating environment of the electric power industry, if the electric power company is to obtain the competitive advantage in the process of marketization and realize the sustainable development of the power network, the financial management mode must be decentralized. Extensive management model to intensive, refined mode of transformation. Financial intensive management refers to modern information technology as a means, "strong management, benefit creation" as the core idea, "means networking, business process, financial power centralization, institutional flattening, real-time monitoring, accounting standardization," It is characterized by budget modeling and individuation of service. It is a centralized, efficient and precise financial management mode, which aims at enhancing the financial control ability of enterprises and improving the efficiency and efficiency of enterprises' operation. The author of this paper adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis and case study, based on the existing financial intensive management theory, expounds the connotation and characteristics of financial intensive management and the significance and goal of implementing financial intensive management. This paper compares the advantages and disadvantages between the traditional financial management model and the financial intensive management mode, and draws lessons from the practical experience of implementing financial intensive management in large enterprise groups at home and abroad. This paper describes the characteristics of financial intensive management and the present situation of financial management in X province electric power company, and analyzes the causes of the existing problems. The overall framework and main contents of implementing financial intensive management mode in X province electric power company are designed, and the implementation guarantee of financial intensive management mode is described to evaluate the effect of financial intensive management. The general conclusion of financial intensive management research of electric power company is expounded. Based on the characteristics of financial management of electric power companies and the requirements of the current macro environment for power companies, based on the theory of financial intensive management, this paper discusses the mode of financial intensive management suitable for the current level of power companies. Scientific financial management to promote the development of enterprises to maximize the value of power companies, which can also play a certain role in the implementation of financial intensive management for other enterprises.
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