[Abstract]:The appearance of nanotechnology means the arrival of nano-age, and nanotechnology has become an important factor to be considered in the formulation of strategic plans in various countries. The level of nanotechnology research in China is not inferior to that in other countries, even in the world. However, compared with other developed countries, there is still a certain gap in the industrialization level of nanotechnology in China. Therefore, our country should seize the opportunity, make great efforts to develop, push forward the process of industrialization of nanotechnology, promote the development of economy and realize Chinese Dream. This paper starts with the uniqueness of nanotechnology, combs the mechanism of industrialization of nanotechnology, and points out the way to promote the industrialization of nanotechnology in China by drawing lessons from foreign experience. The research framework and content are as follows: chapter one, introduction. This paper explains the background of the problem, the significance of the topic, and introduces the main contents and methods of the research. Finally, it puts forward the possible innovation points of the paper. The second chapter, the definition of related concepts. Firstly, the concept of nanotechnology is pointed out, and the characteristics and strategic significance of nanotechnology are introduced. The concept and significance of nanotechnology industrialization are further introduced. Chapter three introduces the principle, process and uniqueness of nanotechnology industrialization. Three principles, namely independent innovation and key breakthrough, market and government unity, economic and social benefits. Industrialization of the four stages, namely technological invention, product development, production capacity development and market promotion. The uniqueness of nanotechnology industrialization is mainly reflected in three aspects: high-tech achievements, high-concentration and wide application. Chapter 4, combing the dynamic mechanism of nanotechnology industrialization, introduces three main mechanisms: dynamic mechanism, transformation mechanism and protection mechanism. Furthermore, it points out that the industrialization of nanotechnology surpasses the industrialization of traditional technology. In the fifth chapter, by analyzing the industrialization of nanotechnology in foreign countries and combining the actual situation of our country, the author summarizes the enlightenment of foreign experience to our country, and puts forward the problems of industrialization of nanotechnology in our country. Chapter 6, aiming at the above problems, puts forward the industrialization path of nanotechnology in our country from the aspects of motive force, achievement transformation, external environment and so on.
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