[Abstract]:Heilongjiang Province is a big forestry province in China, and timber processing industry was once an advantage industry in Heilongjiang Province. However, with the development of economy, the dominant position of wood processing industry in Heilongjiang Province has declined, and the market share of timber products in China has been greatly reduced. From 2001 to 2011, the output value of forestry secondary industry and the output value of main wood products in Heilongjiang Province increased, but the price fluctuated greatly, especially the price of plywood. At present, many changes have taken place in the domestic market of wood processing industry, the gap of domestic forest resources is gradually widening, and the development of wood processing industry is restricted by raw materials. At the same time, there are great differences in the development of wood processing industry in different regions. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Guangdong provinces along the eastern coast are the best development regions, while Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces in the northwest are the most backward. The timber processing industry of Heilongjiang Province is also relatively backward in the scope of the three eastern provinces. By the opportunity of revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China, it is necessary to promote the competitiveness of the wood processing industry in Heilongjiang Province and to ensure the wood safety. Based on the comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the national wood processing industry, this paper uses the grey correlation analysis software. This paper studies the present situation of the difference between the wood processing industry of Heilongjiang Province and the developed provinces of wood processing industry and the weight of the factors influencing the competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The index system shows that in the index system of industrial competitiveness, The second level index with the largest weight is the enterprise production competitiveness, and the cost-expense profit rate is the three-level index with the largest weight. The results show that Heilongjiang Province is rich in forest resources, but the wood processing industry lags far behind the coastal provinces with relatively backward resource conditions. Heilongjiang Province's basic resources have advantages, but the market competitiveness, industrial competitiveness and innovation competitiveness are insufficient. For the main factors affecting the competitiveness of wood processing industry in Heilongjiang Province, the profit margin of cost and the number of enterprises are the two most influential indexes. Based on the results of the research, some suggestions are put forward for the promotion of the competitiveness and industrial development of the wood processing industry in Heilongjiang Province: (1) the policy guidance to ensure the sustainable use of forest resources and the conservation and utilization of wood; (2) implement industrial cluster development strategy and brand marketing strategy, improve the overall competitiveness of wood processing industry, (3) encourage industrial innovation, introduce advanced production technology and equipment, and improve innovation competitiveness; (4) increasing investment to ensure the sustainable competitiveness of the industry.
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