[Abstract]:With the successful use of multi-brand strategy by Procter & Gamble Company in the last century, more and more enterprises have implemented multi-brand strategy. However, there are not a few successful or unsuccessful enterprises, especially after the financial crisis broke out in the past two years. Many enterprises implementing multi-brand strategy have problems, begin to reduce the product line, reduce the product brand; Most notable is the near bankruptcy of General Motors, the world's largest auto giant, which sold several brands to survive after receiving financial support from the U.S. government and other sources. GM's incident triggered a rethink of the multi-brand strategy among scholars. In order to achieve the strategic goal of multi-brand strategy, it is also very important for enterprises to achieve the strategic goal of brand positioning and clear brand relationship, as well as the coordination between brand strategy and marketing resources. This paper intends to study the marketing synergy effect of multi-brand strategy from the perspective of the realization mechanism of management synergy. On the basis of summing up and drawing lessons from the previous research results, this paper makes a systematic study on the marketing coordination of multi-brand strategy by summarizing the existing theoretical literature and combining with practical cases. On the analysis of the marketing resources of apparel enterprises, this paper draws the conclusion that the main factors influencing the multi-brand strategy are: the coordination of channel resources, the coordination of sales resources, the coordination of customer resources, the coordination of service and communication. In this paper, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the weight of the synergistic marketing effect of apparel enterprises with multi-brand strategy, and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method combined with the actual enterprises is used to evaluate it. Expect to implement multi-brand strategy of clothing enterprises can play a certain role in guidance.
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